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I was fixing the cars in the shop with Dad and it was mostly quiet until he abruptly asked, "How did you manage to sleep with your principal again?"

I chuckled and shrugged "What can I say, I just have a charm." He stared at me like he didn't believe that at all.

"Hard work and a lot of marinating. Once we started to kiss regularly I pretty much knew it was inevitable." He looked very confused.

"So the other night wasn't the first time you two..." I shook my head

He looked even more confused. "My birthday Dad." His eyes widened

"Finn you're a genius." I nodded softly. It was a master plan of mine.

He chuckled and continued,"It sounded like you knew what you were doing."

My dad has no clue that before I met Melissa I was a hoe so I intend to keep it that way.

"Yes well her ex wasn't very skilled and I'm elbow deep in car parts everyday so I know how things work and I maneuver as such." He stared at me.

He then whispered, "You don't need to sugarcoat what fingering is, I'm old, not dumb." I chuckled and so did he.

My mom and Melissa came in giggling, we fell silent. My mom stopped "Ok which one of us are you two talking about."

We glanced at each other and Melissa sighed "It's me, I can tell. What are you two really talking about."

I cleared my throat "My father just wanted more information on the timeline of our relationship."

My mom pulled two chairs over "I want to listen now because I'm a bit confused on that as well." Melissa sighed and sat down.

I let Melissa explain, "I was on a break with my boyfriend at the time just because I was mentally exhausted. But Finn kept making really strong advances so then she told me that she'd be good for the whole week if she could kiss me. I knew not kissing her meant she was going to act a fool so we kissed and that's how everything started." I nodded.

My mom chipped in "But how did the relationship become sexual. Kissing doesn't explain what we heard two nights ago."

Melissa blushed and my Dad asked, "So when you two had sex was it for...a month of Finn being good or something?"

Melissa softly shook her head and she looked like she didn't want to explain.

I started so she wouldn't even embarrassed, "She was speculating Mr Jeggun's class one day but in the class she told me that she and Stan got engaged so I up and left the class."

I took a deep breath, "Because of that I was put on room arrest for one day of the trip and Mr Jeggun chose my birthday. But Melissa was my chaperone and had to stay in the room with me. She gave me my gift which I loved and then one thing led to another. She wanted it to be a one time thing, I made sure that didn't happen."

"How did you know that she would definitely come back to you Finn?" My dad asked.

I shrugged "No one's ever not come back." Melissa hmm'd and I quickly added, "Not that there have been a lot."

She glared at me and my my Mom chuckled "Well Melissa, after that time what were you thinking. What made you want to pursue Finn."

Melissa smiled softly and I looked off. "She's really charming." I hit my dads arm, "Told you." He laughed

"But she's also never given me a red flag. As crazy and sporadic as she is, she's very mature and will do just about anything for me. She cares and I can't say that about a lot of people." Now I was flattered.

My mom chuckled and said "Sex had no part of it." Melissa cleared her throat, "That's a huge part of it. I said she was crazy"

They giggled together and I rolled my eyes. I finished the car.

"I'm gonna go ride around the block a few times." I went to my room and grabbed my board that Melissa got me.

I grabbed a joint and my lighter.

"Finn be safe alright." I looked in the doorway to see Melissa.

I went to her and kissed her "I'll be back and we can-" She cut me off, "Finn I'm not in the mood for sex tonight."

I grabbed her hands, "I'm not Stan, you don't owe me sex every day of the week. I was going to say we can finish the movie."

I kissed her hand and I could see tears start welling. She nodded and I left. I rode off and sighed.

I can't wait to undo everything he has done.


Who's one person you tell everything to?

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