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"Logan I'm telling you right now, if you don't get the lead for the next play I'm beating the Drama teacher up." I was pissed.

He attested to the idea but this is Logan's senior year and I'm tired of him always being the understudy or a tree. He is the most talented out of all those kids and I'm going to kick someone in the throat.

"Finn you're just saying that because you're high." I shook my head and put my bong down.

"I'm still pissed though and my high is making it worse." I then heard "Finn!"

I looked at Logan "My dad is calling, I'll text you" I hung up the video call and left.

I saw Melissa and she was crying. "What happened." She sighed and her ring was gone.

I can guess what happened. I picked her up and carried her in my room "Give me five minutes dad." I closed the door and sat her down.

I saw a little red on her cheek "Did he hit you." She nodded softly and I took a few extra deep breaths.

My high was completely gone. "I don't have my phone, my clothes, my work, I-" I kissed her and she gripped my shirt. Her lips quivered.

I pulled back and said "You're staying here until you can find a new place."

She was about to say something but I stopped her, "No if's, ands, or buts, I'm going to get your stuff and I want you to wait for me. Wait for me." I left and my dad looked worried.

I wanted to cry. "She wanted to break things off with her fiancé because he keeps cheating and he hit her. She just ran out of the house." My dad sighed softly

"Can she stay here." My dad rubbed his eyes. "Where is she going to sleep Finn" I was kinda quiet and he shook his head, "No, she's not sleeping in your room." I groaned

"Your mom is coming back tomorrow and I don't know how to explain that and besides, is she even comfortable with that." I think she'll understand

"Do we really have any other choice dad." He looked distraught.

"Where are her friends." I almost hit him. "Back in her hometown, she came out here and the man followed her, I'm all she has. Please dad."

My dad gave in, "Fine but what is she going to wear." I grabbed a set of keys and jumped into the truck "Make sure she stays in that room."

I drove off and I tried to prepare myself for seeing him.

I got to the house and the door was cracked. I went in and he was upstairs.

"Melissa! I'm packing your shit!" I went upstairs and he had bags of her stuff. He saw me and clenched his fists.

"What are you here for." I picked up her bags and went downstairs.

I put them in the truck and he scoffed. "Of course she went to her little watchdog."

I went back in the house and got more of her things. I got her phone and her laptop and the rest of her clothes all while he spewed insults at me.

"I know why you're doing this. You can't get over your crush on me." I chuckled as I got her toiletries as well.

I got in the truck and he said, "Admit it to yourself."

I leant out the window. "Why don't you tell me the real reason you're falling over drunk that Melissa is leaving you, huh Stan?" He glared

I then said "Because she's a good woman and you know that you can get away with everything and have her still love you. You can't even believe she left tonight."

He rubbed his forehead and I started the car "She left because she finally found someone else to love."

He glared and yelled, "Who! I know you know!" He's dumb as hell. "You'll figure it out when you're sober dickwad."

I drove back to my place and I carried her bags in the room. I could hear my shower running. I had some bins from when we moved here originally and I put my clothes in it so I could give her my dresser.

She came out and she was wrapped in my towel "I hope you don't mind."

For the first time I thanked the heavens that I was tiny because my towel was tightly wrapped on her.

I looked at my dresser and motioned to it "I gave you my dresser and the closet for your clothes. My clothes aren't ever folded so I moved them in the bin. Yours are way nicer anyway."

She came over "You didn't have to Finn." I sat on the bed. "Yeah...I'm just a delinquent. Always doing the things I shouldn't."

She pulled out some clothes and chuckled "Me included." I giggled and so did she.

I closed my eyes while she dressed and I opened them once she was fully clothed. She grabbed her laptop and sat next to me.

There was a knock on the door. "Is everyone decent." My dad asked. I smiled softly "Yeah dad come in"

He came in and leant on the doorframe. She started, "I'm sorry Frank this is extremely unprofessional, I know, I just...I'll be out of your hair in a few days, I'll get an apartment."

My dad shook his head softly, "My daughter cares about you a lot, I can tell. I'm giving you until the end of the school year so you can save your money and get a nice condo or something.

He turned to leave but then he turned back. "I also don't think my gay daughter will have any problem sharing a room with you."

She chuckled softly and he added, "The Mrs will be here tomorrow morning though so...I don't know, we'll figure that out."

He left and she looked at me "Your mom?" I took a deep breath "Long story." That I'm not explaining tonight.


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