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I was walking with my best friend Logan. I was already ticked off. "It's the first day of the week and that bitch Mr Jeggun already has pissed me off."

Logan rubbed my shoulders and we went to the auditorium. I sat in the front with Logan. One of the assistant principals walked into the stage

She then grabbed the microphone and started talking:

"As you all know Mr. Spades has resigned as the principal and our new principal called us all here so she could formally introduce herself."

The assistant principal stepped aside and she came out.

There was a lot of chatter immediately. She went to the podium "Hello I'm Miss Démon, your new principal."

I whistled and some of the kids giggled. Logan nudged my arm "Be respectful." He's right.

She nodded softly "I don't tolerate disrespect for one and I would like to say that I believe respect is earned equally so as long as you respect me you have my full respect." She glanced at me.

She then continued, "I'm currently catching up on the work left from the last principal but afterwards I'll be doing everything I can to be more involved with the student body."

But can she focus on getting involved with my student body first...

I tried my best to clear my thoughts as she explained some of the upcoming events and the senior trip. And before I knew it, we were dismissed.

As we were leaving Logan said "I want you to apologize for whistling Finn." My eyes widened.

"But it was just a joke Logan." He folded his arms and did a pout, "Apologize for me...please." I sighed and murmured "Fine, see you in class."

I pulled my penny board out of my bag and dropped it. I knew where the office was so I rode to there. Once I got there I picked up the board and knocked on her door.

"Come in." I put the board down and opened the door. I slowly rode in and she said "You can hurt someone if you ride that in the halls."

I rode around her desk and said "Whistling at you was childish, I won't do it again." She glared, "I knew it was you. Was it worth embarrassing me to the whole senior class." She legitimately sounded upset.

I stopped and picked up my board "Hey, I didn't mean to piss you off...I just think you're pretty you know. I know it was uncalled for, I'm sorry."

She did a short sigh, "I'm sorry too Finn. I'm just a bit stressed, I accept your apology." Good to know.

"Speaking of your hotness. What does this boyfriend of yours look like." She rolled her eyes and chuckled softly

"You can't talk to me like that or ask me that Finn, it crosses all professional boundaries." I went over and sat across from her

I then said "I already told you that you're gonna be stuck with me, we might as well become friends." She folded her arms "I don't hit on my friends." My face distorted.

"You got some ugly friends or something. My best friend Logan is a sexy son of a gun. I'd never date him or anything because I'm super gay but come on. He's so cute and I tell him that like everyday." She giggled softly

I leant back in her chair "You're really funny" her smile was so cute. I gave her a soft smile back

I then stood up. "Remember it'll be easier for both of us if we're friends. Bye Miss Démon." I left and my heart was beating so fast.

Jeez that smile.


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