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I woke up and I saw boobs in my face. By the size I knew they were Melissa's.

I snuggled further into them and I heard "I have not been trying to wake you up for the past ten minutes for you to fondle me even more."

I slowly sat up and said "So that's what that shaking was." I looked at her and smiled. "You look gorgeous."

She smiled softly so I quickly looked away "Why do you keep doing that Finn. Every time I smile you look away." My face burned because of the blood rushing to it.

I sighed softly and said "Your smile is really beautiful and when you smile it makes my heart...." She had the biggest grin on her face and I sighed softly.

She hugged me. "You're so cute Finn." I was embarrassed.

I climbed out of the bed and the door opened. Stan walked in and he said "Did she just get out of your bed."

Melissa stood up, "Yes because needed her to sit down with me and talk about her outbursts and you can't just walk into our room. What if she was in here changing while I was showering." I went and took our spare key out of his hand.

He went to her and kissed her on the cheek "I just wanted to see if you would go to the dining hall with me for breakfast, that's all."

I sat and listened to Melissa shoot him down. "Well you have to remember that I'm also a chaperone so we'll have to go together. And we have to get ready for our day." He finally left

I looked at her. I wanted to ask her something but...just to see. "Melissa are you sad...do you feel bad?" She looked confused.

"Why would I feel bad Finn?" I smiled softly and grabbed my towel. I went into the bathroom and got into the shower.

She lied to me last night and stayed up in the middle of the night crying about it. She lied to him about why I was in her bed and she feels absolutely no remorse.

So basically she cares for me more than she cares for him at the moment.

I stared at the shower head and my eyes teared "Then why won't she choose me." I whispered softly.


We went downstairs and I we went over to the waffle irons. Stan was eating at a table with some colleagues. I poured my waffle slowly and she poured hers quickly.

"Your waffle is going to look wonky, you have to be gentle." She smirked and shook her head.

We flipped at the same time and when it was time to take it out mine looked weird and hers was perfect "I call bullshit." She giggled and we got toppings.

I got whipped cream and chocolate chips while she got fruit. I then asked, "You want some bacon and eggs?" She shook her head.

"You know I've never seen you eat pork." She smiled softly "Yeah I don't eat it and I'm allergic to eggs." Then I won't get any. I don't want to accidentally spark a reaction.

We went to find a table but Stan waved us over "Honey come sit." We both didn't want to.

She looked over to me "Be good, I'm serious." We sat down and he bragged about their relationship and how well it was going.

I wanted to sit with Logan so bad.

One of his colleagues then asked, "So when Stan proposed to you Melissa, what was your first thought?"

She cleared her throat and "Which one of us were going to pay the light bill." They all chuckled and she glanced at me. I wanted to die.

I stood up and she said, "Where are you going Finn." I smiled softly "Anywhere else"

I grabbed my food and she said "You can't be by yourself." I nodded softly and said "Then it looks like you have to do your job Miss...Mrs Démon." I left and she followed me.

She met me in the elevator. "Finn are you serious. You just embarrassed us in front of his colleagues."

"Melissa I refuse to sit there and listen to him brag about a relationship that I'm supposed to be in." Her eyes widened.

"No you aren't Finn, I didn't know you three months ago. I'm tired of you both treating me like a prize to be won-" I cut her off "I'll stop treating you like a prize when you stop being amazing!"

Her face softened "An amazing woman, amazing wife, amazing girlfriend, an amazing friend to someone who would sleep with a fucking client before coming back home and sleeping next to you in your bed." She was quiet.

The elevator door opened "If being good is sitting there and having my heart be stomped on...I'll be bad for life." Then I walked off.

Gosh I sounded like I was in a 80s movie...a bad one.


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