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I was walking to the theatre to beat Logan's drama teacher up.

I went in the theatre and yelled, "Ms. Seto!" It was quiet.

I went to the stage and went behind it. I went to her office and I heard talking so I stormed in. I saw her talking and giggling with Melissa.

I was confused "Finn, Miss Démon here was telling me about how you've been wanting me to star Logan in the final play." I nodded softly and glanced between them.

Ms. Seto then said, "Well I'll make him the lead. I know how talented he is, I just wanted to let some of the other kid shine."

I then angrily replied, "And there is nothing wrong with that but if I have to hug him while he cries again I'm going to put a hole right in the middle of the stage."

Melissa sighed and grabbed my arm, "You were doing so good."

We left and she explained to me what they were talking about. We got to her office and I stared at her lips as she spoke. It took me two seconds to realize that she wore a pink tint over her lips today.

"Finn." I looked at her eyes. "Is there something on my mouth."

I examined her. She's so young still. I looked at the desk.

"Melissa you don't have to wait for me." A sadness fell over her face.

"Making you wait for me is selfish. You're young and I know you want kids. I shouldn't make you wait four or more years so I can have you all to myself. You have a life, don't make it about me." She clicked her pen a few times.

"Why this all of a sudden. What did I do." I sat in the chair and tossed my hands up "It's what you won't be able to do if I keep you."

I sighed. "Melissa if I tell you to wait for me and something happens to me...If I meet someone or hell, if I die, I won't come back. You'll still be waiting and eventually you'll realize I won't comeback and that will be the worst heartbreak of your life. There are thousands of soulmates in the world for you and I'm only one of them. It's not right." She stared at her desk.

I then continued, "We have until I leave and then I'm giving you freedom to love outside of me. Any type of love."

"Fine Finn I won't wait. But I still feel like I want to give you something before you go, what's something you want from before you go." I knew the answer but I was nervous.

She stared at me and I said "A professional sex tape." Her eyes widened.

I then continued, "Every position, every toy, amazing lighting, the whole shabang." She huffed and whispered, "How long do you think that'll take."

Shouldn't be more than 4 hours.

"Dont worry about that. And I'll edit it myself." She glanced at the desk and I had to think about my parents schedules.

They need to be out of the house. "I think I found the apartment I'll be getting so we can do it there." Brilliant


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