37. Epilogue

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||Three Years Later||

Everyone was here. Logan was here, so was my dad, my mom, Melissa's parents, and my boss, they were all here for a social gathering.

Rodney wanted to be here but there was no way in hell that was happening. He's also doing ten years in jail right now so there's no possible way he could show.

I was setting up the snack table and I had Madelyn, our baby girl on my hip.

Working with one hand was a bit difficult and then my love walked in. She looked so beautiful.

She kissed me and I kissed her stomach, specifically our second baby in it.

She picked up Madelyn "How's my sweet girl." Melissa had the brightest smile on her face.

When she saw our daughter the rest of the world faded out and she only ever showed a look of pure happiness and satisfaction...

It was just like when she looked at me and my heart just exploded to see it.

"Babe can you help with the snacks." She kissed Mad's face again. She then helped me with the snacks and I poured the drinks.

Logan came in and I poured him some juice "I'm about to put on a movie so we can have some background noise." I nodded

"All Madelyn's movies are in a pink case so just make sure you pick from the black case." He understood and he went back to the living room.

Melissa was putting out the napkins and she had a look of dread. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She stared at the counter "The movie case is in our bedroom"

Then that means the only other black case would be...

We then heard "Alright Melissa I'm recording." in my voice and she flushed of all her color. I ran out quick as hell.

Melissa then said on the video "Finn what if someone sees this." I tried to open the CD player but it got jammed.

I scrambled for the power cord and I heard "It's just you and me. And it's only for you and me" and I knew the real show was about to start.

When all else failed I took the candle holder and broke the television. The screen went black and it was cracked.

And there was silence.

I was taking deep breaths and I could feel the stares of judgement crawling up my neck "Go into the kitchen" I said quietly.

And one by one they went into the kitchen.

I finally opened the old, piece of shit, CD player and the CD was still there and intact, my baby was unharmed.

I went upstairs and carefully put it away.

I went back downstairs and trashed the television. I tidied up and went into the kitchen.

It was silent and I said "The living room is open again, but there will be no television. There is also snacks for everyone."

Melissa was staring at the table and Logan sipped his juice "I know we're not going to sit here and act like we've never made a sex tape before, right Mrs Démon." Logan said to Melissa's mom.

"W-well I...maybe 20 years ago." Melissa's eyes widened "Mom!" The rest chuckled and the mood picked up again.

Though I will be finishing that video later on tonight. I don't think Melissa knew it yet but while only a little bit of her stomach is showing, I'm taking advantage of that flexibility.

I kissed her cheek and she pecked my lips. Madelyn whined because she wanted a kiss too. I kissed her cheek and we both giggled.

I put Madelyn on my lap as they talked. I rubbed Madelyn's thigh with one hand while pulling her back to my chest.

Everyone talked and out of nowhere my dad shushed us. We all looked at him in confusion. He pointed to Madelyn and we all looked at her. She was asleep.

Melissa's eyes widened "She hates naps and it's so bright outside. How did she fall asleep." Melissa picked her up and held her.

"I don't know, I just held her close and rubbed her thigh. She was awake five minutes ago..." I was confused as well.

Melissa's Father then asked, "How did you come up with that Finn."

I thought about it and then I figured it out "Thats how I put Melissa to sleep when I get bored of the movie." Her eyes widened "Finn!" They laughed and so did I.

I love this woman.

I wish I met her earlier. I would've made that principal mine a lot sooner.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the book.

I know the switching between books is annoying but after Webtoon bought Wattpad, it's what must be done.

I am hoping to move to a future where my books are read for the intimate moments that aren't sexual so I don't have to put those kinds of scenes in my books but for now I am slowly changing.

Please share this book with your friends, share it on TikTok. Help me rebuild what we lost.

It's not just about followers, my books were a safe haven for people to escape and talk about their problems, and other people listened and gave advice. I read all your comments so I'm here with you.

I just want this family back so try to help me and I will continue to write.

Thank you for reading this book. I love you all and stay safe.

You can also name the second baby girl here.

I will also be posting this book on Inkitt with the username as MissMAGM so I'm on there as well but the intimate scenes will be available.

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