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Today was the day. I packed my bags and my dad was loading them into the truck. Melissa didn't come to see me off and that made me sad.

"Dad are you crying." He shook his head "My eyes are sweating profusely again, that's all" I hugged and kissed him.

I did the same to mom and Logan. I tried to put a tough front on but it was really hard.

I've never been away from home but I think college was going to teach me some things that staying here won't teach me.

I got in my car and I drove. I tried to call Melissa one last time on the way but she didn't pick up. I got down the street and then a car cut me off in the middle of the road.

"What the fuck!" I got out of the car angrily and out the other car came Melissa.

I immediately calmed down but I did do a deep sigh. I closed my door and went to her. Her eyes were puffy, her face was red, she was in shambles.

"I never wanted today to come Finn." She wiped her falling tears.

"I'll be back Melissa. I'll be back and you know that, but I need you to promise me something alright." I held her hands.

"Do not get married unless you know it's true love. Melissa they need to know every single thing about you. They need to know that your favorite color is chartreuse, they need to know that you're allergic to eggs, they need to know where all your birthmarks are..."

I was panting so I took a second to catch my breath.

I then continued, "They need to know your middle name is Judith, they need to know your favorite body part on yourself is your shoulders, they need to know your favorite food is waffles, if they don't know any of that. Melissa if they give you so much as one red flag don't say yes." Now I was winded

"You explained yourself Finn." I cupped her face. "I'm one of many soulmates, if you find another one I won't hate you, I just want you to be happy. Just promise me."

I wiped her tears and she whispered "I promise."

I made her wait there and I went to my car. I pulled out my photo album.

"I was going to take this but I think you need it more. For now...just for now Melissa, this is goodbye." She covered her eyes and I hugged her one more time.

She got in her car and I went to mine. Then I remembered. I got out of the car. I went to her window and she rolled it down.

I then said "I made this mistake in the original book but I'm not going to make it again." She looked super confused.

I kissed her and said, "I love you." Her eyes immediately teared up.

"I love you with everything in me Melissa. You're why I'm still alive. Never forget that. And I always belong to you. I'm yours Melissa." She cried silently and I went to my car.

I drove off. Man, I love that woman.


Now that the story is ending, who is your favorite character?

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