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Finn's pride won't allow either of us to speak about last nights activities but long story short, my baby has a limp and doesn't want to go to class.

I let her sit in my office because I know it's better than her not coming at all.

"Babe I meant to tell you, make sure you watch your surroundings in that new neighborhood." Finn said.

I looked at her "Finally talking to me again." She looked away.

I sighed "Finn I'm the bottom every time, I don't shut you out afterwards." She was quiet.

"Technically by my standards, I was still a virgin down there. And you're not so it won't impact your body as hard as it did mine. I'm also half your size, I just need some time to process." I went over to her and I felt really bad.

"It's ok Melissa but it's not happening again, not any time soon at least." She kissed my cheek. Then she kissed my cheek again. And she kept doing it until I giggled.

"Once I'm healed we're doing that tape and I'm serious." I knew she was serious.

"Will you ever let me do it again Finn." She couldn't even give me a clear answer to that.

"Never forget that you can slut me out on any day of the week alright." She nodded and I went back to my work.

I won't say I think she feels inferior to me but I think there's a vulnerability to her now that wasn't there before and it kind of scared me.


Finn dropped me off home, "I'm going to wait until you get into your place." I lived on the top floor.

I kissed her and went upstairs. My door had a scuff on it. I twisted the handle and the door opened. I could've sworn I locked it before going to work.

I called Finn and whispered "Finn my door was unlocked when I got up here and all my lights are on."

I looked out the window, "I'll come up but it'll take me a little while."

I looked in the kitchen and the bathroom...nothing was there. I went to my bedroom and the door closed. I looked and it was that rapist who followed me in Finn's neighborhood.

Before I could scream he covered my mouth and pinned me on the bed. I reached for the phone but he hit it off the bed.

This was the only time I was extremely thankful I was a big woman because I was putting up a fair fight to getting away from him.

I finally pushed him off of me and I tried to run but he grabbed my leg and I fell on my knee.

It hurt really bad.

He pulled me to him and I was officially scared. "Rodney!" He quickly looked up and I saw Finn.

She was so mad she was red "Rodney that's my girlfriend!" He gasped

"I'm-I'm sorry Finn, I thought she was engaged to a man, the other day you were sad and I noticed that she had a ring on her finger when I came to the school. NOT that I was within 100 feet of children, I was far away."

She looked like she was about to cry "Rodney you really hurt me man."

He looked utterly defeated "I really wanted you to do better Rodney. You really hurt my feelings. Go sit in the corner. I'm calling your P.O." He went to the corner and sat down.

She helped me up "How is your knee." I hugged her tightly, she saved my life.

"You two are a cute couple" Rodney said. She glared at him "Shut up" he went quiet.

I truly love her.


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