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I was so happy for Logan.

It was his last play of the year and he did absolutely amazing. I recorded the whole thing and I was going to watch it a bunch when I went away, just so I could see him at his best forever.

After the play he drove me home and he was really happy.

"Finn you screamed so loud at the end." I giggled softly and said "I'm sorry Logan, I was just super happy for you."

We got there and I saw my father next to Melissa, they were giggling.

"Are they flirting?" Logan asked.

He didn't even know we threw a small party for him. My mom came out with a cake that read 'Congratulations Logan'

He smiled and hugged me "I love you so much." I giggled, I was just super giddy the whole time.

We went in the kitchen to cut it. We all had a slice and my dad poured us some drinks.

"Miss Démon why are you here?" Logan asked. My dad folded his arms "Finn didn't tell you they were illegally dating, I figured you knew Logan."

His eyes widened and he looked at me. He was about to yell but I covered his mouth so fast.

"Logan shut up before I'm single again please." I uncovered his mouth he silently glared.

"Actually Logan..." Melissa started.

She then continued, "Every time you didn't get the lead Finn would come to me sad, even crying sometimes. Because of that I went to the Drama teacher and spoke to her about why she hadn't made you the lead. She said she knew you were the best kid in the class but she was so worried about strengthening the other kids that she accidentally made you feel left out. Finn's love for you helped you in getting this role." I rubbed my neck.

I wasn't sure how he'd feel about knowing that. I didn't want him to feel like I was the sole reason for it and that his talent had nothing to do with it because his talent speaks for itself.

"Thank you Finn." He kissed my cheek. I blushed and hit his arm. "Logan!" He giggled.

My dad looked confused "Why are you
blushing Finn." I scoffed, "Are you kidding, Logan is beautiful." They giggled and he hugged me.

I was so happy in this moment.

"Oh shoot. I have dinner with my parents in 30 minutes so I have to go." Everyone congratulated him one last time before he left.

I then thought of something. I turned to Melissa and she said "Yes I have parents Finn, they live in my hometown and I call them once a week. I don't see them and we don't talk about them." I hmm'd.

My mom chuckled "Melissa you'll be great with toddlers." She patted my head "Yes I know."

I swatted her hand and she smiled. I looked away. Beautiful ass smile.

"Dad can I go to Melissa's house." Before he could say anything my mom cut in, "Why."

Melissa already knew I was on demon time.

"Fine, I'll go masturbate to lesbian porn in my room and I'm not turning down the volume." I stood up

My mom quickly added, "Finn you can only go if you practice safety."

I agreed and went to my room. I grabbed my bin of surprises and my camera. I also grabbed my tripod, my laptop, and my microphone. I went to the car and Melissa got in the drivers seat.

"Finn." I looked to see my mom. "You have no type of protection." I put on my skating helmet.

She glared something evil. "Bye, love you Mom."

I got in the car and Melissa was giggling "She is going to beat your ass when you get back."

We got to her place and I said "Melissa if I was a boy, do you think our relationship would be different."

She pulled out some lingerie.

"Finn if you were a man I would be carrying your kids right now." She then went in the bathroom.

It's crazy to think about that.

*Grabs Holy Water*

I set up everything while she changed.

She came out of the bathroom in a tiny robe. I was standing in front of the camera.

I started it "Alright Melissa I'm recording." I said. She then nervously asked, "Finn what if someone sees this?"

I shook my head "It's just you and me. And it's only for you and me."

To read this part you must go to the book in my reading list.


How many close friends do you have, or are you a loner?

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