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I yawned and walked into the kitchen.

I know I got here around 2 but I heard rustling in the kitchen and I wanted to see Finn off to school so I still woke up at 6.

I walked into the kitchen and I saw a tall, gorgeous woman seated at the table. I knew she was tall from her long legs that were flawless and she sat completely upright.

She turned and smiled softly "Good morning."

God I've never seen such a pretty woman, I was just stuck.

I sighed softly and said "Please don't tell me you're the mistress, I'll be so jealous." She chuckled and shook her head.

Finn walked in groggily and went over to the lady. She fell out across her lap and laid there.

"Why do principals get up so early." The woman looked content seeing Finn, too content.

Finn stood up and said "Mom this is my principal. She needed a place to stay while she's moving away from her crazy ex. I think you too will be good friends."

The woman stood up, "Finn go wash your face so we can leave." Finn left and it was quiet for a few seconds.

"I know this is weird." She started, I looked at her. "But Frank was my mechanic and I met him through Finn but by no way am I involved with your husband. He's a good man but we've don't nothing, no flirting or anything and I'm not sleeping with him I promise."

I nodded softly and said "It'd be kinda weird to sleep with him and my daughter wouldn't it." It got completely silent.

Finn came back in. "I'm ready. Bye mom." She came over and kissed my cheek before pulling the woman out of the room.

I should've asked her name. I'll ask Frank.


I was speechless after Finn's Mother said that and she said it so confidently.

Finn drove me to school but all I could think about was what her mom said. Once we got there I saw Stan in the parking lot. I sighed and got out of the car.

He got out of his car and yelled "Melissa!" It's times like this where I'm happy no one is around.

He came to me and Finn quickly came to my side "Get out of here you psycho."

He pinned me to the car "Tell me you don't love her. Tell me you don't love this kid more than me." I sighed

"I love that twig on the ground more than you." He gripped my arms.

"Tell me you're not in love with her." I stared at the ground "I love her but as something dear to me. As my closest friend Stan and I think I need to step away from this love because it's hurting me."

She was about to o throw a rock at his head but I said, "Finn don't." She clutched it in her hands.

"It's over for good Stan, go home" he stormed off and got in his car.

She came to me, "How do you know he won't tell." She walked with me into the building.

"Because telling anyone would ruin his own reputation. Besides, now he can be with whoever he wants." I can be free.


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