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I woke up and then I stood up. Did I pass out on the floor again. I looked around the room and in my bed was a woman.

I took a second to think then I sighed "Melissa." I went over and shook her softly "Come on, get up sexy"

She stirred and then she sat up. She looked around and then rubbed her forehead "Don't pull that shit from last night again Finn" oh she means how I turned her on a little too much.

I grinned "Care to explain what I did exactly." She looked serious. "Whatever Melissa, go shower so I can take you to your place."

I grabbed my towel and left. It was kinda harsh but I didn't understand her loyalty to that man. He continuously shows that he doesn't love her as much as she loves him.

After I used my dad's bathroom. I changed and did everything in there. When I got back to my room she was in her towel pulling clothes out of her bag.

The water droplets on her body made my throat dry. "Melissa what would I have to do you you to just drop the towel."

"Be good for the rest of the year." I sat down on the bed and said "If you want a year of good little Finn you have to let me finish what we started last night."

She knew what that meant and I said "But seeing you naked would clear you for the rest of this month, I mean it's only what...the fifth and that means I'll be good on the upcoming field trip in which we'll have to share a room, and I'll be good on my birthday."

She glared and said "You're not tricking me because winter break is also this month."

"You'll be home all day with Stan, I'll come visit you if you want." She didn't even think about that.

"All I have to do is drop the towel." I nodded and she shook her head "I'm sorry Finn, it feels too much like cheating."

Wow, that's crazy to me.

I smiled softly "Stan is really lucky to have you Melissa." She smiled softly.

My heart sped up. She went back into the bathroom and I held my heart. That smile should be illegal.

After awhile she came out and we went to the truck. She got in and I jumped up but I didn't make it. After three tries I got in and she was giggling.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. We can't all be tall goddesses." I drove off and she said

"You would think that the tall men would go for tall women but no, they go for people your height and I don't really like that." I could see where she was coming from.

I smirked "Well I'm 5'3 and I'm gunning to taste all 180 centimeters of you."

"186 centimeters." She said softly. I kissed her hand and said "Even better." She rolled her eyes.

We got to her house and she said "Goodbye Finn." She kissed my cheek and got out of the car.

She came to my window and said "You're a really good friend." I grabbed her chin and said "Never friend zone me like that again. Do it again and I'm throwing a brick through your window."

She giggled and went in the house. I drove off. Now to plan the trip with Logan.


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