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I was so scared to face her.

Melissa woke up and she quickly looked around "Finn why didn't you wake me up, it's Monday, I'm a principal-" I stopped her, "It's summer Melissa."

She took a deep breath and laid down. I looked at my lap. "Finn I'm about to go back home. To my family and friends. I want us to work but it's too late."

She sat up "I leave tomorrow and I was packing. I thought you'd never come back" I stayed quiet.

"I stayed for you Finn but I want to make decisions for me now." She got dressed

She then continued, "Besides you need time to heal before jumping into another relationship. Believe me, I'd love to have you but I can't wait anymore."

I was quiet. "Finn say something please." I stayed quiet.

She sighed "Goodbye Finn." She left.

I waited there for at least an hour, thinking.

I went to my dad "Dad, Melissa's first car, the one owned by her ex, do you have the information of that still." He nodded and got me the paperwork.

I called the number and Stan picked up "Hey dickwad it's Finn. I need some information. It's for Melissa's sake." He sighed


After I got all the information on where she was going I went to my mom and dad.

I looked at both of them and said, "Melissa is moving back to Minnesota and long story short I'm packing up my stuff and going down there too. I don't care what you guys think about it. Logan is coming over right now to help me pack. And I'm going because that is the only woman who will ever treat me right and I refuse to let her go."

My mom jumped up and said "I have an extra set of hands." My dad helped too. Perfect.

||A Few Days Later||


It's been a few days and the whole plane ride I just couldn't stop thinking about Finn. And I mean the whole entire plane ride.

But as I got to St Paul I was excited. I had to stay in my parents house for a week or so while my house was being renovated, but I was still excited to see them.

I got to their house and I went to the door. They changed the locks again so I was forced to knock. I also noticed a car in the driveway.

The door opened and I saw Finn. I touched her nose and she was really standing there.

"You said you wanted us to work but it was too late Melissa. Now I'm here and if there's any chance at all that we can try and make us work, then I'll be there every step of the way." I could feel my eyes tearing.

"You think I need time to heal but the second you came back, I remembered all the good and forgot all the bad. Will you take me back." I was at a loss for words.

My mother peeped out of the kitchen and said "Melissa if you say no you're sleeping in your car for the week."

Finn giggled and said, "Thank you Miriam" I nodded and kissed her.

She smiled against my lips.

I pulled back and we went inside. My mom and my dad were in the kitchen. They looked excited.

"Melissa, Finley called us two days ago and she was trying to introduce herself and she spilled her heart out over the phone for you. We had to let her come down here. The girl really loves you and she's so well mannered, unlike that rascal Stan." I giggled.

My father shook his head "I never liked him." We laughed together.

"I'm going to show her my room. Baby pictures and all." I pulled her up to my room and looked excited, "You have baby pictures."

I sat on the bed "Yes but that's not why you're here, I just didn't want to tell them we were about to have sex but...Finn I swear. My parents seriously can't find out we're having sex."

She put my face into a pillow. I guess this works.


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