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I was on the bus for the trip and I was sitting alone. Logan was talking to his theatre friends and I didn't want to intrude.

I stared out the window then I saw a shadow cast over me. "Is this seat taken." I sighed softly. Her voice is so painful to hear sometimes.

I shook my head and Melissa sat down. "Finn did you-" I shook my head and continued to stare out of the window. I didn't want to talk.

I didn't want to make this trip longer than it had to be. We pulled off and it was quiet for the most part. I tried to go to sleep but I was really cold.

I felt a blanket cover me and I assumed it was Melissa. My eyes were closed and I felt a soft kiss on my forehead.

I was able to fall asleep a lot easier though so I didn't complain. I was happy that at least some of my lecture got to her.


*Sips Holy Water*

We arrived at the snow lodge and it was gorgeous on the inside. Melissa and I went straight up to our room and I put my bag on the bed and she sat down.

"I left him Finn" I looked at her and she pulled me to her by my shirt "I left him because I want you."

I went to her and whispered "I knew you'd come around." I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back and I climbed on her.

I started to peel off her clothes layer by layer until she was down to her underwear. I put my hand in her underwear. She moaned softly and said "Finn Wake up." I was confused so I looked at her and she said, "Finn Wake up."


I woke up and I felt Melissa shaking me "Finn wake up, we're at the lodge." I grabbed her left hand and she still had the ring on.

I punched the seat in front of me and moved past her to leave the bus. What kind of Vanilla wet dream was that.

I packed all my sex tools and all I had was that dry ass dream. I went to the side of my bus and grabbed my bag.

"Yeah guys she said yes when I asked her, I was nervous of course because you know how women are." I looked to see Stan bragging to his colleagues.

I pulled out my penny board and rode to the door of the hotel but as I passed them I kicked him behind his knee so his leg fell out and he fell on the ground.

As his lawyer friends went to his aid I rode into the lodge. The driveway didn't have any snow luckily. Once I got in I waited in a chair in the lobby.

He came in and scowled at me. I saw Melissa come in next to him and she came over to me. I covered my ears "I don't want to talk to you Melissa."

She just looked angry "You're such a child Finn-" I cut her off "Finley to you." She walked off.

Melissa checked everyone in and afterwards she came over to me. We went to our room and when we walked in it was a single bed room with candles lit, rose petals on the floor, and condoms on the dresser.

She looked very confused and I giggled.

She sighed softly and Stan popped out of the bathroom "Surprise babe, I got us a single, curtesy of my boss. And I got another single bed room for the gremlin down the hall to be in by herself so she can't bother anyone." I chuckled.

"Stan baby I appreciate what you've done but I have to share a room with Finn. Legally she has to be with me and I'll break so many codes if I stay with you." And I'll report every one of them.

"Besides...Finn has been really mad at me lately so leaving her by herself isn't an option." I will break anything's and everything I see in that room if I'm left alone.

I picked up a condom and said "Stan this is a magnum but if you want me to, I can see if they carry extra, extra...extra small at the hotel store." He glared at me something evil.

She shook her head, "Stan I'm sorry but you have to stay in the other room alone."

"So are you two going to sleep in this bed together." I went to the couch and I saw that it was a pullout. "I'm staying on the pullout."

They talked in the hall and I unpacked my bag. After awhile she came back in and came over to me "What made you so mad, you were just a bit upset but then when you woke up you turned into a brat."

I turned to her and said "Well sometimes when I see someone I care about make a decision that I know will hurt them in the long run I don't take it well."

She folded her arms and said "I will never fall in love with you Finn" I was quiet. "So stop...I mean it."

My heart shattered right in that moment. I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and sat on the floor because I was lightheaded. It really made me sick.


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