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I was being physically carried to the principals office right now. Once the deans got me there they seated me in the chair.

Melissa did a long sigh as she put her lunch down. One Dean then said "she brought a mini airsoft pistol and whenever Mr Jeggun turned around she'd shoot him in the back of the neck."

I shook my head. "They literally have no proof that it was me" she sighed and waved them off.

They left and she motioned to the desk. "Come on, put it down."

I took the airsoft gun out of my bag and put it on the table.

"Finn I'm tired of seeing you in my office, what will make you stop." I opened my mouth and she cut me off "I'm not kissing you."

I folded my arms and she took out some papers "Fine, a three day suspension." I rolled my eyes and she stared at me "Are you not phased by this Finn?"

I stayed silent and she asked, "If I kiss you how long will you be good?"

Now she was considering the kiss.

"Three days." She sent me a glare. I groaned. "Fine, a week."

"Why not the rest of the school year." My eyes widened "You expect me to be good for the rest of the year off a kiss. You're out of your mind. You better be throwing it back or something." She snickered and I covered my face.

I've never said that a day in my life "Throwing it back, what does that even mean Finn."

I rubbed my eyes and did a soft chuckle "I don't know, the bottom line is a kiss will get you a week and I choose when to pull back, not you."

"You're 17-" I cut her off "I'm 18 and I'll be 19 in December, I was held back in second grade." She sighed and nodded.

She agreed to my terms. I went to the door and locked it.

I went to her and she whispered "My boyfriend and I are taking a break. That is the only reason you're allowed to do this." I grinned and whispered back "Keep telling yourself that, I don't mind."

*Sips Holy Water*

I cupped her cheek and pulled her into a kiss. I was trying to hide my dominant side but she was fighting.

She pushed me back "Finn you can't kiss me forever."

I gave her a blank stare for a few seconds and then I asked, "Can I continue?" She looked nervous but she nodded.

I went back in and kissed her, our lips moved in sync and mine were bigger than hers so she was trying to keep up. I pulled her closer and she moaned softly in my mouth.

I went deeper and she put her hands on the sides of my face. My other hand gripped her neck and I slowly pulled back, stealing another quick kiss as I did so.

She glanced at my hand and I let her go. I went back to my seat and she cleared her throat.

It was quiet "I deserve two weeks for that." I shook my head, "One week like we arranged."

I stood up and she abruptly asked, "How long would we have to kiss for a month?" I smirked softly

"For a month it's not really a matter of how long I kiss you but um...where I kiss you." She glanced at her crotch for a quick second and back to me "You're very immature Finn." She has no idea. I then left.


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