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I slept great and my body felt rejuvenated. I let her put hickeys below the neck and now my breasts look like the back of a a spotted leopard.

I made myself tea and I sipped it. Finn was in the shower so I was really just trying to relax. My legs were still trembling a little bit though.

The door opened and Frank walked in. "Good morning Melissa." I smiled softly, "Good morning Frank. I made tea."

He went over and poured himself some tea. He looked like he had something to say. "Frank you can say it, I'm listening."

"This might be a crazy question but last night I heard moans and I knocked on the door but Finn said it was a movie...but they didn't stop and they actually went on for hours. Was that you?" I was quiet for awhile and then I sipped my tea.

"You're right that is a crazy question Frank." He looked confused.

Finn walked out. I forgot I put that huge hickey on the side of her neck. Frank immediately saw it. "Dad can I get a granola bar."

He handed her a granola bar and as she left she said, "I'm going to go warm up the car."

I stared at the door "If Finn is the bottom I'm going to need you two to stop immediately."

I turned to him, "Why does that even matter."

He folded his arms "If that's my daughter I'm hearing moan in the late hours of the night then I will be scarred for life."

I stood up and sighed "That was me Frank." He hmm'd, "Remind me to give her a raise."

I pushed in my chair "That's where she gets it from." He chuckled as I left. She was in the car choking on the granola bar. "Chew Finn."


She was riding in circles around my office.

"Melissa" I looked at her and she pouted "Why can't I skate in the halls."

She is really adamant about endangering the lives of other students.

"It's dangerous Finn. I'll let you do it after school." She came over to me and leant in. "Thanks baby."

She pecked my lips and I whined "Finn." She grinned and continued to circle around me.

She keeps stopping to kiss me and she'll go in circles again so I can't touch her. I was getting really frustrated.

She came back over and I knew she was about to do it again. She leant down and pecked me but my hand was around her neck.

I pulled her back down and her eyes widened "Yeah, come here luscious lips." She gave in and kissed me.

Then she pulled back at lightning speed and stood by the closet. I was confused but then the door opened.

Thank goodness she has super hearing because my secretary walked in.

She then said "Ma'am doesn't she have a class to be in right now."

"As per usual she was kicked out. Would you like to watch her instead." She shook her head and gave me the documents for the sophomore field trip.

"Wait, you're going to be gone that day." I nodded and she folded her arms "Give me one of those forms or I will raise hell that day."

I handed her a blank copy and said "You're clingy, I hope you know. It's not like anything will happen on the trip."

She looked discouraged "Youre right, I'm sorry. I just like being with you, that's all."

I quickly shook my head "No I love it, please come with me." She smiled softly.

The things I'd do for a day with her.


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