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(First thanks for your comments. Truly if I guys don't comments than I won't write it again.. but you did .. and many of you want a happy ending so here it is)

Tae was walking blanking .. he doesn't know where was he going.. where is he.. where will go.. what will gonna do.. if he gonna left jungkook.. believe lisa .. nothing .. he doesn't know anything.. all he wants to do is scream , cry his heart out .. and that's what he did.. when his legs gave him ,he just fall on his knees a start to scream...
Well someone said a once "Don't love someone too much that you lose yourself " in tae case he already lost... All his childhood he never felt what actually love is from his parents .. they were busy , well they had to feed 5 mouths. 3 kids and themselves.. tae raised by his grandma. No matter how much your grandma loves you. Your heart always cry for your own mom . Tae finally get to know what is love .. what is a true safe place is when he meet with jungkook , tae gave his all to jungkook .. but now everything was falling...


Suddenly tae felt a hand on his shoulder , a woman.. she must be aged like her grandmother probably younger than her but not too much younger.. she smile at him ..but he just cry like a cry baby he is .. well that's he thinks about himself..

"Why are you crying young men??" That old said with a very warm yet sweet voice.. tae didn't said anything just cry.. She pull tae by his hands and made him seat under a tree.. tae didn't notice he was in park till now.. "you know when you share something with a stranger it make less burden cuz even the stranger can't give a solution he or she apparently not gonna judge you .. and I am a stranger so I guess you can tell me " that women said with a calm voice.. tae looked at her with puppy eyes "re-really can .. can I???" That old women nods .. tae was quite for couple of mins that he started to speak

"First I am a gay .. so if you feel disgusting than you can leave now"
Tae said while looking at her.. but that old women smile at him. . so tae continue..

"I guess you don't feel me disgusting.. so I have a boyfriend for 6 years... He is an idol and he is getting his fame which is receiving for past 2 years. I am very happy for him but you know he start to grow ego , and I hate that.. he even stop spending time with me. . all he does is practise ,he even kiss and almost make out with a female idol in one of his mv.. today I caught them kissing.. he said that girl kissed them he is innocent but that girl was saying they. .they kissed many times.. also ........ ....... Also have sex many times . Now I don't know what should I do ?? AAhhhh" tae finished .. he waited for that women said to something but she just hug him. Few mins later she broke the hug.. she asked tae's name .. and tae told her his name ...than she start to speak and tae was listening her very carefully.

"You know tae .. I get married at the age of 17 .. I was young doesn't know many things about life.. I was only child of my parents... They raised me as a princess. So for me life was full of rainbows, flowers etc.. so all I could think my partner will be love me like a king love his queen. So you can imagine how was I. At the day of wedding my mom told me something it still rings on my ears she said love... if can't or don't want to live with him just leave him silently don't make a scene but if you wants live with him no matter what than live like you don't see his any fault. That day I didn't get it what she said as days pass , months pass .. years pass.. I learned what she meant that day . You will also learn the meaning yourself so I am not gonna say anything about that .. " She stop talking for some secs.. than again continue..

"Look at that couple tae *she points at a couple who were fighting* .. now looks at them *a couple who were walking while holding hands and man was talking* now tell me what you think about them?"

Tae didn't think about a min answer "clearly that first one is fighting and other one is a lovely couple waking "

That old women nods. . than again started speak.

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