our incomplete love

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( kashicreation i hope u like the first part ..  and just imagine boys can get pregnant)


..Tae 7  kook 14

Someone was knocking at jeons door.. Mrs jeon finally open the door.. first thing she saw a crying Taehyung with a doll . Before she can ask anything  tae pass her and went to jungkook's room..

Jungkook was looking at something whice his father gave him today..

"Kookie hyung .. kookie hyung " tae enter in jungkook's room .. Jungkook stand up and tae hug him tightly .. "What happend my baby boo" Jungkook said while caressing tae's hair .. "mama said we are leaving .." "huh.. what?" Tae broke there hug and look at jungkook with bambi teary slight red puffy eyes "mama said papa told her we are leaving .. we are going to another town where they have a better hospital .. you know my baby brother is coming soon" Jungkook didnt say anything "but i dont wanna leave you kookie hyung" jungkook smile a little .. he pushed tae a little and remove his bracelet.. and hold tae's hand and wear him his bracelet

 and hold tae's hand and wear him his bracelet

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Tae was looking at him with bambi eyes .. jungkook smile a little "here you go my angel Now i will be always with you"  Tae gave him a big smile .. tae take of his necklaces whice is his grandma gift him  .. and pull jungkook down and wear him that. . "Now I will be also with you hyung"

 "Now I will be also with you hyung"

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Jungkook smile and nods.."  hyung can I stay with you pls"  "yep angel .. but first ask your mommy?" Tae nods and ran to his home.. meanwhile jungkook pick up that form .. and sign bcuz now he didnt have any weakness... 

Tht day tae and kook spent together than the nest day kim family leave..


"Make sure everyone leave by today reach ilsan .. that place is in our control now .."  other soldiers nods "Ok sire" he nods and left ..

3 hours later..

"Sire.. sire" a soldier come panting to commander room "what?" "Sire we dont know how but a boy left in that city.. we found him faint..  " "where is he?" "In medical tent "commander left than place and went to medical tent..

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