Dream or Love

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{ this is your choice . So don't blame me ok}

In Jeon place ...

Kim and Jeon family are doing last finishing on this wedding both families are happy . "I m really happy that our son is going to your house Mr. Kim " Mr. Jeon said to Mr.kim with a smile who also smile back and said "No, mr.jeon we are the lucky one ."

*knock knock* some one knock at the church door.  Mr. kim went there "Yes , how can I help you?"  "Can you tell me who is mr.kim? I went to Kim's house but they said Kim's are here . " " But which mr kim? We have three mr. Kim including me " "oh. Than Mr.Kim tae hyung" "ok . Today is his wedding . He is in his dressing room. Let me guide you there"  that man nods .

*knock knock*

"Come in" mr.kim and that man went inside. Tae looked at them "Yoongi hyung" tae ran to him and hug him .yoongi hyung Taehyung back . Which kinda surprised tae . "Ok boys . I am leaving ." Saying that mr.kim left .

"Why you are here Yoongi?" Namjoon asked yoongi salut him "commder Kim " Namjoon chuckle . "We are not in our camp just call me hyung yoongi" yoongi nods . "Hyung why you come late ? You promised to come 6 days ago and you are here 2 hours before wedding." Tae said with a pout namjoon chuckle but yoongi looked at him with sorrow ."Joon hyung .. here" yoongi gave a letter to Namjoon . Who opened with a smile which turn into a straight face. He looked at yoongi who were already looking at him . "Yoongi you know he can't leave now. " "I know.  But what can I do ? " Tae was looking at them confusedly. Tae just snatch that letter from Namjoon . When he reads that his face turn into a big smile "hyung HYUNG I GOT SELECTED .. HYUNG I GOT SELECTED.. I AM GOING TO ARMY CAMP LIKE YOU GUYS "  "tae-" Namjoon grab yoongid hand pull him into a side  "yoongi how tht letter come to your house not our?" "Actually hyung they sent two letters .. one come to mine another come to yours as tae gave my house as his second address. I though he already left that time mom told me about his wedding. I am sorry but I thought he deserves to know . It's his life" namjoon sigh and nods and went back to tae who was smiling and kissing that letter .

"Tae , did you read that letter carefully ... especially that date" namjoon asked carefully "YEAH... ITS 14 july" tae face got paled . He looked at yoongi and namjoon "today is the last date tae.  If you don't leave than I am sorry " yoongi said with sad voice. 

Tae felt whole world is spinning. His dream letter is in his hand  , also his love is another hand if choose dream that what will happen to his kookie but if he choose his kookie what will happen to his dream which he was dreaming Since he was 5.

He knows his hyung can't do anything even he was the chief commander .






Tae was standing in front of father. Jungkook also come and stand by him.  Tae took his hand with blank face .

Skip to the do part...

"Do you Kim Taehyung take jeon jungkook as you lawfully husband?"

Tae was silent... That silent scare jungkook tae finally open his mouth but that made other shocked

"I don't.. I am sorry"
After saying that tae ran away to his room.  Jungkook standing there quietly . His dad was yelling his mom was crying  . A whole mess....

Time pass ....

Jungkook enter his room he was standing there for 5 hours with hope that tae will come back.  When he enter he saw a letters ... He open first one it was a army accepted letter . He opened the other one it was tae's letter .

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