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We were perfect
But now it's scares me
We were good friends
But now it's scares me
Sharing my secret with u was beautiful
But now it's scares me
Ur pranks
Scares me
Seeing ur name in chat box
Scares me
Pls go away
U r scaring me .

Love can cheat
Which I can bear
But when
Ur close friend
It's fucking hurt
More than

Someday ago , u were my happiness
Someday ago I felt safe around u
But now
U make me scare
U make felt unsafe.
Time really shows the real colors.

Is it easy to feel betrayed by someone whom you placed as your best friend .

Trust is like a balloon
Even small hole ruin it
But when u burst it
And asking me
Why I m change.

Love isnt only thing in a relationship
I don't need love
I need someone talk with me for hours
I need someone to eat ice cream with me
I need someone to walk with me
I Don't need ur love ....

I m just asking
Just asking
Why they r making me fake

Darkness is my safe place
Alone and safe
Peoples scares me
Darkness don't
Happiness is with u
Don't find in crowd
U will lose urself
In fake destiny

If leaving was easy
I would leave them in a blink of eyes
If forgetting was easy I would never remind them
If memories erased fast I would want to forget me all 5 years 5 months with 2 years 4 months
Leave me alone
I don't wanna cry for someone like u

Love is just emotion
Memories are killer
Love gave u chance to be free
Memories don't
People don't stay for love
They stay for memories.

Giving opinion is easy
Saying tht right tht wrong is easy
Telling leave him is easy
Everything is easy
Untill u come on their shoe
Every easy decision seems tougher than your imagination

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