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At cold winter , snow falling ...
Tae was running as fast as he can . He took steps and skip as many as he can . He ran to a door his body hit on the door . "OPEN THE DOOR. FOR FUCK SAKE OPEN" but no response. Tae started crying badly. He slides on the door and started to cry his heart out.  Tae also know who was inside also crying. But he can't come infront of tae . Mistakes doesn't ruin things our mind ruin .

Jimin walk feeling the spring breeze. He smile a little walk to the cafe. He found his new happiness sitting there. He order two drinks one coffee and one hot chocolate. He went there and sat beside him and took his hand kissed his hand who just smile at him . Jimin knew it's fake but sometimes fake is way for precious than real . Jimin also gave him a smile.

Jungkook was standing in front of sea beach . Its really look beautiful in summer . He started to walk home with his puppy. When reach at home he kissed his lover who was looking like a baby . "Want something". "Mochi please" jungkook nods. Luckily they have mochi. He really love his lover.

Rainy season comes which makes tae smile. He was smiling like a fool. He saw his lover standing another side of road . He ran to him . But while crossing *BOOM*
Next moment tae's body was in air. Where he fall that place was know drain in tae's blood . All things happen infront of tae's lovers eyes. Who just saw it  .

It's autumn but still The weather was bad all day rain fall heavily. But in that only jimin was walking with a umbrella . His face was pale , his dress have blood on them . He was just going to his home .

Again it's winter.... Jungkook was walking with hot dumplings in his hands. He enter in their house.  He found his lover sitting there. He went to him  and when he was about kissed him . But suddenly his lover get vanished. One tear, two years started to drop . He just went to kitchen and place the food and went to take a shower .

It's spring again , this time spring really brings happiness in his live. He enter with a flower and direct go to his love and proposed him. 


See you in next episode



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