Christmas gifts

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Jungkook pov...

I was doing my work fast so i can buy yeonjun's gifts also can go back to home fast .. in between I got an hour break so.  I decide to check PS5 for my bby jun.. but its ran out in the market .. I am in a big trouble right now in  all of this tae called me..

Tae: PS5.. and Gucci new shirts purple , red, green,       blue

Kook: i remember.. but tae..

Tae: Oh god.. pls no

Kook: all ps5 sold out in market

Tae: thats why I told you to buy before not at Christmas day..

Kook: I know .. i am sorry .. I am thinking that how about we gave him the money so he can buy whenever he want..

Tae: yeah.. what else we can do.. just brought the shirts .. and yeah .. namjoon hyungs family and yoongi hyungs family is coming tomorrow.. so brought something for time gor kids i already brought. .

Kook: ok..



At Night.. (3rd person)

Jungkook buy yeonjun and others gift from gucci.. well expect for tae.. he brought a  diamond ring for him.. he finally reach at home.. outside is so cold . Feels like snow fall will be tonight.. he open the door with his keys.. he found a beautiful welcoming decoration in their living room .. tae decorated gorgeously.. he went to kitchen and found tae cooking yeonjun favorite cake.. he smile a little and put all gifts bag on a chair as the table has foods.. he went to tae and back hug him.. tae smile .. tae turn and hug jungkook.. tae broke the hug and kiss jungkook's cheeks.. jungkook smile.. "take a shower kookie.. after or before dinner we will open our gifts ok.."  jungkook nods and went to take a shower not before steal a kiss from tae..
Tae smile at his husband.. and went back to his cooking..

Jungkook thought how about he went to yeonjun first and  greet him than went to bed . He went to yeonjun's room. Before he can knock he heard something .. that made him stop ..

"What your dad gave you PS4 .. fuck dude I feel bad for you .. *other side talks* ohh.. if my dad dont gave me PS5 maybe I wont talk to him for a year.. or so..  *other side talks* what hell you are speaking. Be greatful about what I have or got.. like what .. why would be I greatful what I got. . Everyone hav things as I do .. *other side talk* yeah.   Yeah.. dont you also got a car.. I hav iphone 12.  I pad.. i watch.. new cams.  PC.. laptop .. also new Samsung.. so i want my ps5 .. and everyone have those.. *other side talk*you know what fuck off.. i dont wanna ruin my mood" yeounjun cut the call.  And throw the i phn12 on bed  and went to bring  his laptop..

Jungkook stood their silent.and quietly leave from there . He was thinking one thing .. how could they rise him like that.. he become a spoil brat.  When they were trying to make the opposite . Yeonjun was there 3rd child... in first two tae had a miscarriage.. so tae love yeonjun way to much so do jungkook.. but they didnt notice that their love making yeonjun something else..

Jungkook take a long shower while thinking about yeonjun's behavior..  he went to living room as tae shout his name.. he found yeonjun with a big smile sitting there.. tae was also there.  "Junnie wants to open his presents now" tae said and yeonjun nods.  Jungkook stay silent.. he sat beside tae.. tae pass him the bags as tae already bought them in living room.. jungkook gave gifts to yeonjun.. tae also gave .. (2 gucci bag tae 2 kook) Yeonjun take it .. but didnt say thank you.. maybe for the first time jungkook notice that.. "Ok.. Those are ok. But where is my PS5?"yeonjun ask..  "I didnt brought  tht" jungkook said..  Tae about to say something

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