Wedding pt-1

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What the hell you guys are doing ? Put flowers on other side too . "

"Sir , please check the foods"

"I am coming . All of you I want all flowers done in 2 hours. "


"I think this need little spice and others are perfect. Also what about the cake ? This engagement have to be perfect . "

"Don't worry about that sir. Also sir Mr. Kim called you in his study. "

"Ok . "

In study..

"You came ? How is everything going? "

"Everything is going good dad"

"Are you alright ??"

"What will happen to dad?"

"Tae I -"

"Dad I have alot work outside. I have to go . If you need anything please call me ."

After leaving mr .kim study he decided go to his room . When he was passing his sister's room he heard "Mom you are the best. I can't believe a week later is my wedding and today is my engagement. Thanks mom because of I going to marry him" tae just sigh and left.

Tae reached his room . He was about to go to shower that's time his phone rang . He answer without even reading who called him .
"Missed me" tae's face turn pale "No, and don't call me " "Today ,I will come to meet you in your room wait for me there" "No , you won't ." "I will and you will meet me. "

Time files ..

Tae was nervous . He was too afraid to face the reality . Tae look at him last time than left . He had a big responsibility . He had to receive his brother in law and his family . Tae hoping that he was looking alright. He doesn't have enough soul left for his cruel yet true words .

Tae was waiting for them for a 10 mins now . He had a big smile on his face . Looking handsome as hell . Just look at his outside and don't ask about inside because you aren't in his shoe . You won't able to feel what he was feeling .

Finally moment of truth

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Finally moment of truth. 4 cars come together and tae stand straight . His brother in law was finally infront of him . Tae gave them a big smile and bow , greet them then invite them inside.

Tae feels like there was someone stabbing him when he saw his sister ran to her fiance and gave him peck . Tae look at other side . When he again looked at them , Seeing them hugging tae just left . was just standing hopelessly . He was just watching . He was just watching how someone building a happy home with someone's ash . He wanted to help. But you can help when someone asked for it. You can't help when they doesn't wanted that . That's happened with . Upper that both kid is his. Doesn't matter what he gonna do end of the day one of his kid dream will be shattered. So sometime standing aside and waiting for time to do it's work isn't that bad.

Tae was passing by empty rooms suddenly someone pull him in a room. Tae close his eyes. Thinking that him . He mumble his name . But in response he only heard chuckle . It doesn't take another moment to know that not him . Tae open his eyes and found Jimin .

Jimin is a very important person in tae's life . Not only he is tae's best friend or soulmate but also he is his brother .

"Oh gosh I knew it's you jimin" tae said while hitting jimin a little . "Oh , but I thought I heard you mumble someone's name which you shouldn't." Jimin said with a blank face . Tae just stay silent.

"Do you know tae why love compare to war? " Jimin asked tae . "No"
"Well, I am here to tell you but first let's go . "

Jimin brought tae in a balcony and from there you can a specific couple . "Why we are here jimin? " Tae asked jimin but jimin ignore him "Tae, in war there is a rule every great leader told us follow , do you what was that?" Jimin asked tae who was looking at that specific couple and shake his head as no .

"Never think your opponent weak."

"What are saying jimin?"

"Tae, in love and war you have to fight . If you gave up or sacrifice. No one gonna come to you . Saying here tae take this . This is your . You have to snatch your happiness here tae. " Jimin stayed paused than he again start

"Tae , it's not time for being a saint . It's time for you fought for what you own . "

"I can't jimin. She is my little sister" tae said while tearing abit.

"But what about you guys? . Ok leave him . What about you tae ? How you will bear them tae when you can't even look at them pecking . Tae he gonna move on . But what about you ? How you gonna see him in every house party , whenever you sister come ? Can you bear when you gonna see love bites on your sister's neck ? Tae answer me "

Tae was tearing up .

"Tae , even he love you after everything. But when they gonna have kids . He will and he must have to make you 2nd . No one comes before kids. Not even lovers . You still have a week tae. Also tae , don't forget you are not only playing with one life but three life's . Maybe she is looking happy now . But both of knows that happiness won't last when he will know the truth ."

Tae looked at jimin in a thunder speed . "No, he won't know . He can't . You promised me jimin"

Jimin sigh and pull tae in a hug who was crying like a kid . "I will keep my promise .but truth gonna make his way ."

Hug me .
༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

( ՞ਊ ՞)→ First part is done.

Did you guys like it?
<( ̄︶ ̄)>

I have a question?

Who do you guys think Jimin's brother is?

( ╹▽╹ )

(☞^o^) ☞

1.park bogum

2. Jeon Jungkook

3. Jung hoseok

Also , I am thinking about turning this in a small 20 chapter story . Pls give is poor soul feedback even it's bad(╯︵╰,)

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