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(It's a surprise for Jungkook as for the readers .. so enjoy )

"Kookieeeeeeeeeeee" tae come to jungkooks office so they both can went home together. "Bby u r on time . I just finish " jungkook said that with a smile.  "Lets go " tae and jungkook started to walk out of Jungkook's office went to their car where their diver was waitting.

Half an hour later:

"Sir we r herethe driver said . "Ok thanks mr.lee " Jungkook and walk out of their car start walking to their home. (Its strange but tae and jungkook most of the time like to walk together .So whenever tae come to kook's office thats mean he wants walk with his hubby . Jungkook and mr.lee both know that. If ask why then Simply tae loved that feeling when kook holds his hand and talk about his day . Then unlock there door and kiss tae cheeks and say welcome to your kingdom my Queen.Thats reason Taehyung and Jungkook start walking to there house from distance like 30 to 40 mins.  ) 
"Koo how was ur day ?" Tae ask break the comfortable silent "Its was good . How was yours ... tae .... bby... taetae... " jungkook was calling tae but tae was busy a starring some girls who was following them . "Tae " "w-what " "why are you so lost.. what happend " jungkook asked "no... no .. I am not .. It's just look there some girls r looking at you .. thats it " tae answer "*chuckles * oh .. Its happend all the time .. Don't worry baby" jungkook said that and continue walking but after sometime tae is not walking with him (they didnt hold hands anymore ) "what do u mean all the time " tae asked with a umm anger or Jealously.. "umm bby what happend" jungkook asked confusingly "Just answer Kook" tae said that with a hint of anger. "Yeah bby thats happend most of the time . And you know I work in a fashion industry so I have to deal with this type of stare all the time its not a big deal" Jungkook said that with a it's not a deal type voice . Tae just looked at him . "Ok" Tae just answer and walk away. Jungkook was still confused answer cuz he thought  Tae gonna do or say something more.

In short tae didnt talk to him and neither thats type of welcome happend. They just take a shower separately and went to sleep.

After a week:
In this whole week tae didnt talk with Jungkook. Most painful week for Jungkook cuz he can't come from work early or even if he come early Tae doesnt talk with him . Jungkook try so many things so tae can forgave him . But tae is tae he accept the gift but dont talk with Jungkook . That also a little relive for Jungkook that atleast tae is accepting his gifts. Today is sunday . Still Jungkook has to go to the office cuz some urgent meeting yoongi and namjoon called him.


Taehyung called Jimin for some important work.

T:Minnie ~~~


T:Is everything done?

J: yeP. It's park Jimin who had the responsibility

T:yeah .. yeah..

J: so~~~


J: text Jungkook dumbo

T: oh shit .. yeah yeah .. I almost forgot

J: really 😑

T: ok now I am texting him bye~~

J: Bye~~ listen come just on time ok

T: I will bye

Taehyung cut the called and started to text his hubby.
After texting he started to get ready after that he went to the place where jimin texted.

Jungkook pov:

I was in a not so important meeting. I still dont know why are doing this meeting.  Suddenly I gota message.  I checked thats from tae .I was so happy and I was smiling widely.  But after reading the text i was almost start crying.  The text was


Mr.Jeon I just wanna say that I am leaving now.  You can be with your thats type girls. You always know that I am always insecure about you and after you said that day I am so hurt .In thoes 7 days I was thinking what i should do .Now I know that what I am gonna do. I am gonna leave you.  And about your gifts they in my cupboard you can give them to any one of admirers.  It's end of us . Good bye Mr.Jeon .

Jungkook was shaking when suddenly he got a call from Jin . He received the called ...

Jk: h-hello

J:hello kook come fast to the *** tae is here. He is about to jump . Come fast.

Jk: w-what

Jin cut the call. I just ran to the location . I was pretty shocked. The place was beautifully decorate.  And there was a big banner HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.

I stood there for 10 mins and only look at the banner.  I just check the date againand it was our anniversary I forgot .

"SURPRISES  " I hear a voice looked there our best friends and tae was there .
Tae come to me "Sry I was ignoring you for a week and thoes girls that was Jin hyung workers.  I had to do that So I can get a reason for getting angry and I know that girls look at u most of the time but thats doesn't bother me cuz I know your eyes are only for me  . I am soooo sry for the fake msg also ." Tae said that with a cute tone . I just hug him tightly. Truly I feel relive thay he wasnt actually angry or leaving me.

Tae hold my hand and bring to there where all of our standing.  There only 7 of us .  Jin hyung and suga hyung bringsthe cake .

The cake:

(A/N: Truly when I was looking for the cake and saw this I was so happy cuz the two groom just look like tae and kook )

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(A/N: Truly when I was looking for the cake and saw this I was so happy cuz the two groom just look like tae and kook )

And our dress:

(A/N: Sry but I am lazy so I put the group pic)

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(A/N: Sry but I am lazy so I put the group pic)

Me and tae cut the cake and feed each other.  Joon hyung gave us a bottle lf champagne.  We both open that . All of us eat our lunch and Our hyungs gave alots of gifts. We r very blessed  to have hyungs like them .

After spending alots of time with our hyungs we come back our home and lets just say Tae cant walk for few days.

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