chubby baby-4

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Taehyung didn't even greet that boy properly , " Are you marrying lisa for real ? Or is this some kind of joke " . Taehyung scream at Jungkook ..

" As far I remember , you left everything and disappear  .. You want me to leave you .. you fucker didnt even fight for me .  And now here you are again .. Wow just wow " jungkook replied with a normal but also a sarcasm inside .. but in reality he was controlling his tears..

" Yes .  I am a toxic fucking lover of yours . Sorry ex lover . I am sorry for disappearing just to be perfect for you . Sorry " saying that Taehyung cut the call .. .

Taehyung throw his phone on bed .. he tried his best to controll his anger but he failed miserably .. he just throw broke whatever he found .. in the last he scream and cried loudly .. his mom can hear her son agony but she can not help what tae did to himself ..

But she is a mother .. she love her son , so she did what she think will help her son misery ..




" Wow , tae you actually came " jimin mocked tae .. Tae just nods and gave more like a have this bro I dont want this ..

Taehyung was to clam the whole week .. thats scared jungkook not going to lie . Jungkook knew how tae is .. how he reacts .. thats why he almost hear everything tae said .. but this calmness was giving him the calmness before Strom vibe ..

Jungkook was getting ready when he felt someone is in the room so he turn and found he was right ..

" Why are you here tae? Jungkook asked in a normal voice but inside there was a strom ..

" You still have 2 hours left right?" Taehyung asked .. Jungkook just nods .. " Ok then .. Come with me " Taehyung drag jungkook with him ..

Jungkook was just only looking at Taehyung .. he was busy looking at his ex to notice how his ex sneak out him ..

" Why we are here ? Jungkook asked seeing their school library. . Taehyung just walked inside holding him ..

They walked to a corner which steal jungkook breath .. that corner was their ..  They always seat there , most of the time they  head down and only stare each other with a shy and cheerful smile. .

Tae pulled out a chair made kook seat than seat in another .. jungkook automatically put his head down and looked at tae direction .. only founding tae doing the same ..

Jungkook lost in those eyes .. his eyes was maybe still is jungkook weakness.. suddenly he jumped out when an alarm sound can hear . Tae dismiss the alarm and again hold jungkook hand to bring him somewhere else ..

" Tae why we are here ? " Jungkook again asked when he found  himself in front the music room .. they always sneak in and tae play piano while jungkook sing.  

When jungkook enter holding tae hand.   He can saw themselves playing piano , singing , laughing ..

Tae suddenly left his hand a went to piano and play .. jungkook was just standing ...

They were again in front of Jungkook apartment .. jungkook just stare at tae .. Tae opend the door .. jungkook enter ..

Tae made him seat in his couch ..than kneel in front of him.  Jungkook suddenly finding this in his most precious memories. .

A tear fall when he remembers that actually how tae proposed and actually told him to broke up. . he looked at tae.  Who just hold his(jk) face and pulled him close to him ..

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