chubby baby-2

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Taehyung scold jungkook in the morning how he has to stay because his idiot ex eat beef when he has allergy to that . Jungkook just hear. 

"Hey , fatty " jungkook greet Taehyung , who didn't abit shame or anything "hey injection man.  You injection are working.   They build quite a fluid . Its actually looking like  bicep. " Taehyung said with a fake sweet tone and smile . 

"Hey , that's mean tae"  jungkook whines , in return tae gave him a bored look . "Wow .  I dont care . Lunch with me " saying that tae entered his homeroom . Jungkook also nods ang walked to his ..

" Its they are like being too much normal to be not possible ? I mean they are ex for fucking sake . They supposed to be mean , cry , putting other down .. not behaving like friends " jimin said . Others nods too as that's how they know about breakup.  Well our taekook couple sorry I mean ex couple is strange

" Meet my new boyfriend enwoo "  Taehyung introduce Enwoo to jungkook . Who smile and bow . " Enwoo you are my friend now then " they smile and start eating ..

" Jimin stop staring them . Eat " jin said . " Hyung can't you see something is wrong . Who will be so chill to meet his ex new boyfriend . Also why they are behaving like this .  I mean just say. .  joon hyung is planning your birthday than next day on your birthday he insults you and broke up .. and you didn't care .  Not even once.  Its feel weird "

" Jimin aren't you putting too much nose in other business " yoongi said . " I am . Because I know something they are hiding and I also both them . I can't let my both best friend ruining their love " jimin said and yoongi just sigh ..



" You idiot . You are 35 minutes late " Taehyung yelled at jungkook . " Sorry . I had to help lisa " Taehyung just gave him a glare. " Movie must be already half done . My snacks also over . All because your helping ass get late " jungkook hug tae who was wiggling and pushing him.  " Sorry sorry . " Jungkook looked down.  " You are lucky because our movie have another 20 minutes to start " jungkook looked at tae who was showing their tickets .. " Such a genius " tae moves his hair back and said " I know I m. Actually I already guessed you will be late no matter what . So I booked a hour late show" jungkook gave him a hug ... They both had a happy smile ..



" Taehyung , are you still dating Jungkook? " Mrs kim asked Taehyung who was texting jungkook . " No mom . How many times I have to tell you . We broke up . He broke up with me . He hate me because of my weight . Now My boyfriend is Enwoo "

Mrs . Kim nods " Isn't strange how a person change over night . Maybe he was an asshole from the start . Just played with my poor baby's heart . God will punish hi-"

Mrs . Kim was cut by an angry Taehyung . " Dont say that.  Nothing will happen . " Saying that left ..

" Why did you two broke up actually ? Hearing Jimin .. I also feel something is wrong"



" Baby , this is for you . " Enwoo gave chicken feet to tae . "Actually enwoo , Tae doesn't like that . " Jungkook said . Enwoo nods . " kookie , let's go to my place today " jungkook just nods abit not before looking at tae.  Who was just eating.  Jungkook was feeling like an idiot . He shouldn't agree to this double date when enwoo said . 

" Who the hell it is " Someone was ranging Jungkook's calling bell at 3 am .  Jungkook opened the door and found a drunk tae with a bottle of wine in his hand . ..

" Tae wha-" tae push jungkook and got inside .. " tae what are -" Jungkook again stop when tae put his finger on jungkook's lips . " Shuuu .. don't talk .. you know this hurt "

Tae remove his finger from jungkook's lips and put his hand on his heart .  " This motherfucker heart so bad , I tried to calm him so many time ... Please tell him to stop . I can't tolerate this pain " ..

" Why its hurting tae ?" Jungkook asked as he also put his hand on tae's heart .

" Because of you .. It's hurt thinking there is someone who is laying top of you , playing with your hair , kissing you , telling you you are perfect , telling you you are beat thing happened to me , being that close to I was before .. IT'S HURT THINKING I AM NOT THAT PERSON ANYMORE . I AM NOT THAT WHO WAS BEFORE .. WORSE IS I DID THIS TO MYSELF . I .. i.  " Tae broke down .. jungkook immediately hug him but get pushed in return.  

" Jungkook , why I did this us ? We were perfect . Why I listen to my god darn new friend and told you to break up in front of everyone so I will still stay in their good book .. why ?? Why .. please tell me why .. why I broke a heart which was full of love for me .. why I drag two other life in this mess too . .. please tell me why kook.   Why I still can't bear you with other. .. answer me please .. JUST ANSWER THAT WHY I DID THOSE.   WHY ?? "

Taehyung broke down again .. this time when jungkook hug him he hug back and cry holding him .. jungkook also let some tears go.  

Its hurt him alot . Still he did as tae asked him as his birthday gift. . 

" You shouldn't hear her baby .. look where we are now .. calling you baby even feel wrong cuz lisa  ... She did nothing wrong .. I can't hurt her .  Also enwoo .. he also love you " jungkook said softly .. .

Taehyung just stayed quiet ...

" I want you back .. please come back too me kook . "


Its actually based on a true story.  yeah  I change few things to put this more drama . But that idiot really listen to her friend and her boyfriend heart something like tae did and try to put his bf wrong .. but inside she was full of guilt   .. so don't judge too much ..

If you guys like this .  Than there will be part 3

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