Dancing in rain

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King  Kim Taehyung legally husband of Kim Lisa . He is a cold heart man who is cold towards everyone , his mom is like pain to his eyes.  He hates everyone, everything just expect one ...

That one's love , hate  ruined him to his core.  He was too much broken to even collect .  All he want was a happy life with that person .

But one day , one conspiracy ruined his so call happy life . Now he is a man who is just breathing because that person once made him promise never ever think about self harm .. sometimes he feel stupid for keeping that promise ..

Lisa was coming back to her and Taehyung's room when a guard stop her ,

" My queen , King wants to be alone . "

Lisa nods and leave the place knowing trying to get in will bring nothing but insults only .

Taehyung was sitting on floor  drinking and crying over his misery . He was happy this day every bit of ray was gone just like that person ..

Suddenly a thunder catch Taehyung's attention .. he looked at outside .. its was pouring outside ..

However all Taehyung could see was that person dancing in the rain while giggling , suddenly his young self was there too .. playing , carrying that person .. both of them were dancing in rain without any worry about future ...

" My prince , we are going to dance in rain like this in future too right ? "

The young prince kissed other cheeks and nods ,

" yes my love . We will be like this forever "

Another thunder brought Taehyung in present he shake his head and with lot of struggle went to his balcony .

He opened his arms embracing the rain like other used to do .

Suddenly he heard his young self calling other ,

" Love , I am sorry . Please forgive me "

" No , how could you eat carrot cake without me ? Thats it . We are over "

Young prince couldn't take it . So he shout at his love .

" LOVE , never ever said that . Me and you , we are ment to be forever . Ok . Lets dance or lets eat carrot cake . I left for you too "

Other immediately kissed on young prince's cheeks and apologize .. soon other was carried by the prince . 

Taehyung was just looking at their past .. their happy past .. soon a shout again catch Taehyung's attention ,

" Taehyung, how could you? You said we are forever.  Than how could you ?"

The crown prince just kept looking at other with blank face .. 

" An illegal child can not be my queen . All you was a time pass . We aren't ment to be . Just like your mom was brought to your dad as a time pass . You were brought to be here as mine . Nothing else.  " .

If other curse , beat the hell out of the crown prince  than it will hurt little less , however other just stare at the crown prince ..

" Was I a good time pass ? "

The crown prince wanted to scream his love just like  how much he heart was ripping slowly and painfully..

" Umm .. not bad . But  i deserve better "

Other nods and slowly take out the necklace with a ring dangling ..and place it on the crown prince hand.

" You gave it to me saying its a sign of love .. if there wasn't any love than how can I keep it . Here.  "

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