wedding - 2

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Taehyung wants to say something but he couldn't . Soon enough he was called by his mom as the engagement ceremony is going to start. 





Everyone claps loudly when Jungkook  put ring on lisa's finger.  Taehyung was standing beside jimin .. they were in the last row . Taehyung was quite , he just kept looking at the specific person . Jimin hold tae's hand .. but tae didn't give him any reaction.  

Lisa pick up the ring for jungkook . But she couldn't put it when she saw jungkook's injured hand .

" Sorry, I cut myself while cutting vegetables" jungkook sounded so emotionless .

Lisa just nods ...

" He is the same stubborn boy I had met " Taehyung said while chuckling thus he had tears in his eyes and jimin was thousand percent sure those were happy tears .

" He still is.  "




Taehyung was bidding bye to groom side . Even though  all he wants to go to his lover .. sorry ex lover . Jimin scoff when he saw Taehyung looking at jungkook like he his his world , he was  about to leave when tae stop him by holding his hand and started to speak ,

" I want to meet him .. can you arrange that for me ? "

Jimin immediately agree on that .

" Sure , when ?"

" Tomorrow , in our uni , at terrace ok? "

" Ok .. tae . " .

Saying that jimin also leave






Taehyung was the first one reached their.  He was looking at the sky how clouds were moving slowly ..

They were dragging him to the beautiful past ..

He suddenly remember how he met jungkook . He meet jungkook here , eating alone . He doesn't know how try become friends, than best friends than lovers.  All he knows those years were the only years where he was truly happy. 

He fought with jungkook , they were verge of break up everytime they fought . But both of them knew they can't live without other too long . They had to crawl  to other  soon .

Taehyung was standing looking at the clouds at the terrace . Suddenly someone come .. he knows the sound. . Tae knows the scent , the walking sound he knows .. that person almost back hug him however at the last moment that person back out and just stand behind him with a bit distance and cough. .

" You wanted to meet me "

" Yes "

" I want you to accept lisa . She is a nice girl . She will make you happy.  Forget everything between us.  We are nothing but relatives.  "

Jungkook let a dark chuckle .

" Here jimin was telling me , hyung things will go well. * Sigh*

I don't want to accept her . May i know one thing ?

I asked your hand as far i remember than why all sudden i am getting her ?

I asked your hand from your mom than why the hell she said , Mrs , jeon .. your eldest asked for my daughter hand ..he is so polite ,  etc

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