Light of my life

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"Jungkook eat please" "no" Jimin sigh.. What else he could do... Jungkook just saying no for past half an hour.. Jimin just leave him..

"Master.. It's your time for medicines" A polite nurse came to jungkook.. Who just nods and bring his hands forward.. The nurse gave him medicines and a glass of water .. he swallow thoes medicines .. or act like that.. He gave the glass back to the nurse.. The nurse bow and leave the room.. didnt forget to close that.. after she closethe door jungkook throw thoes medicines at floor...

Jungkook move a little ..So he can come front of the mirror.. and start talking..

"Hey.. My name is Jeon Jungkook.. I am 24 years old.. I am a handicapped.. I cant move my legs.. And docter told us that It will be harmful for me if move my body .. alone.. So here I am in a luxury room.. Don't dare to think that It's belong to my family or something.. My mom die after giving birth me.. and my dad was quite poor actually.. he also die 7 years ago.. So it's quite impossible for me to even dream about this room where I am living now.. but i am here.. Thanks to my beautiful boyfriend.. He is the reason why I am alive now.. he spends millions .. Just to save me.. *chuckels* You know I have so many why in my brain ..Let's talk about them...

*pause* Why would He still with me?? He the great Kim Taehyung.. The world most demanding and highly paid model .. Why he is wasting time on me?? Neither I have money or neither i hav body.. than why?? .... Why he still loyal to me ?? If I were his place I would leave him a long time ago .. or atleast have flings.. duh..Who wouldnt right??

Why is he still come home early.. ?? Isnt like that I will ask him anyway... Why is he still alright to sleep with blue balls ?? I would force him or left him find someone else.. but he just stay with me..
Why anyone would announced he hav a boyfriend in national tv..?? Moreover also showing their photo together.. but why would he will show him that photo in whice that guy is clearly in his wheelchair..?? I mean even i would do that for fame .. I will show them A old pic where we are looking good.. And most important thing... Why the fuck he gave me his half property.?? I would never think about that.. maybe i will have some pity on him .. we spend 5 years together but I wont give him my property whice was I earn by mine own hard work..

I would party.. but why he always come back from party so early like after 3 hours boom he is here.. why?? ..... why i have to force him to have sex with me??.. even in that why he have controll himself when I gave him full right??.. why he-"

Jungkook was cut by a door knock .. "Jungkook tae.. came from office" after saying that jimin left.. Jungkook request jimin no he literally beg to jimin .. so jimin will always gave him news when ever tae come home.. Jungkook hurrily lay down again.. wipe his tears.. whice he didnt even notice ..

10 mins later..

Jungkook's room door open by a tried tae.. he was wearing a black colour t-shirt and sweatpants.. in his hands .. he has a bowl .. Jungkook can assume that was his meal ..

Tae come inside the door close the door with one hand.. went to jungkook .. sat beside him .. place that bowl on the nightstand.. and help jungkook to sat on bed also kept a pillow on his back..

Jungkook didnt said anything neither tae did.. Tae again hold the bowl in his hands.. take a spoon full of soup.. and drink it.. then again take a spoon full of soup "open your cute mouth koo..." jungkook was just looking at the spoon .. he didn't want to eat so he shake his head as no.."Koo please" tae again take the spoon infront of kook's mouth.. this time jungkook open his mouth and drank that.. Tae continue doing that samething.. in a few mins the bowl found empty..

"Ok .. let's take a shower ok??" Jungkook nods.. Tae carry him to the bathroom .. the bathtub was already fill as a maid full that before.. tae took jungkook clothes at the room so he just make him seat on the bathtub.. then tae took his clothes and place them near of the tub along with towels.. He went behind jungkook and jungkook automatically move his body colser to tae and lay his head on his chest.. while tae was rubing Jungkook's body .. "you had party today.. then why are you early??" Jungkook asked like a whisper.. tae heard that "If I came late then who will feed you and gave you a bath then.. hmm.. Jimin told me that you didnt eat lunch today.. So I left the party after an hour. " Jungkook just nods.. after giving jungkook a good bath .. tae took him in his room wear him comfy clothes.. btw tae already dressed in bathroom..

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