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Omega's need to be  Beautiful .

Black cape = ugly omega

Golden cape = beautiful omega

Red cape = average omega

"Hyung , Do we need to make up?" Tae asked jin who nods . "We can't let other see our pimples or any scar . We need to be beautiful " Taehyung nods . As he make up .
Jin puts is golden cape and tae put his red cape.

Everyone was praising Jin for looking beautiful . Jin just smiling at them . "See those praise tae . Its all because of beauty . You also need to be beautiful as me ." Taehyung who was aww by everything just nods .  Taehyung saw a guy with black cape . He almost went to him , but jin hold his hand "Never , go and talked with them . They are ugly . You need to be beautiful . " Taehyung almost couldn't recognize his hyung.  However he nods eventually. 

Taehyung was goofing around . His hyung is busy and he doesn't know anyone expect his hyung . Out of nowhere he bumped with a black cape alpha.  Taehyung get lost in his coral eyes , just like that alpha lost in his blue eyes . "Why are you black cape ? You are so handsome" . Taehyung asked out of nowhere made that alpha chuckle .
He just shake his head and went to his destination .

Taehyung went to cafeteria and found black capes one eating just a bread , when others are eating delicious lunch . 

Taehyung took his food and about to walk way someone made him fall.  Whole cafeteria laugh at him . He just ran outside while crying. 

He was on back of their school , some one come and sat beside him "Want some?" Tae looked at him and nods . Other smile and share his half bread .  Tae took other half. Both of them were eating silently. 

It's been a week , tae made a new friend . He doesn't know his name . They just eat silently and talk about normal things.  He also had a crush on a unknown alpha.  Whom he always went to see with his friend . You can say , both have crush on alpha's , they sneak out to see them. 

"Tae , meet my boyfriend " a dark green cape alpha was with his brother . "Hello , Tae . I am Jisung ." "Taehyung . Call me Taehyung" . That alpha smirks and nods . "For an average omega , you have too much attitude.  " "Don't talk to me like this " tae growled . Jin stand between them seeing the bad weather . "Ok ok , its enough . Baby let's go " jin pulled Jisung with him and leave tae alone .

"What does Dark green means in alpha's?? " Tae asked his lunch buddy , who was eating his bread with tae's curry .  He stop eating and think abit "Dark green? Dark green ? Da- oh i remember They are important alpha's who are handsome , powerful and respect other ranks as far as i know they are all good thing you can imagine. " Tae nods along. Both take a bite of their bread  "he is an asshole.  He deserves nothing ." Other chuckle on tae's comment. 

"Tae are you sure?" Other asked tae nods "Yes ,  We will go and called them  . By the way what's your name ?" Other sigh "jimin ." "Ok chim . Lets go . " They were about to stand infront of the door that time jimin stop tae "Wait , let me pull my hoodie . " Tae was still new to those things , we grown up in a bubble wrap , his parents , grandma never let anything serious to him . So he is like a kid . Who is seeing the reality for te first time . "Ok let's go ."

"Sir , May we come in? " Tae asked the teacher . "Come in.  " Tae and jimin walked towards the teacher.  "Sir, we are here to call two alpha . That teacher said they are black cape . One is J other is..  " tae hit jimin who was looking at his crush to say other name "Huh , ahh oh yeah , other is S ." That teacher nods "Which teacher ? " That was sudden question .jimin was sure they are doom "We are new student here sir . We don't know any teacher here ." Tae said with cute puppy eyes . Jimin also join him with his pinkish pout . That teacher sigh...

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