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Ok this for my new update toxic .

So i hope you guys didn't get any wrong message . One of my friend told " dude , you are promoting rape and beating is good "

But actually that not i am trying to show . I was trying to saw that as out sider we see a girl or a boy in a relationship where they get abused and dont take a nesserary step . But in reality in some cases they dont want to .

Again i am saying that I dont support abusive relationship and i think no one should think that is ok when your partner is doing these to you . Pls don't think like that .

I am actually going to explain my toxic character as i image them while writing them ...

Jungkook ...

Jungkook was the abusive boyfriend in first half . But he had phycology problem.  He think that beating and sex is the only way you can be with partner and make them your. 

But in second half , he was a emotional guy who loves tae this much that he scared of himself . He try to remove tae from his life  .

Taehyung ...

In first half, he was poor guy who love his boyfriend that he take all abusived .

But in second half , he becomes a obsessed guy for jungkook who can't leave jungkook . He love him this much he is ready to die in his hand .


Jimin is representing those girls and boys who thinks small no or pushed is abusive . When its actually normal . Also he is also representing those people who just see one side and gave a judgement .

Yoongi ...

Yoongi is representing those people who actually knows everything but dont do anything for them.

Still 'Toxic ' is a story which could be real but i am not against them also i am not gonna support them . As i said everyone has their own life let them live there own life dont put nose into others life .

Also , not everyone is like tae . So if you are in abusive relationship than i m sorry .

I hope i make it clear. If i didn't make it still clear than i am really sorry .

Main thing was ,

how two toxic people are together .
One show is abusive side
One dont
That it .

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