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"Why kook isn't tae is being so quite lately??" Jimin ask Jungkook who was playing overwatch with him "Yeah.. hyung .. But I don't know why??" Jungkook replied to Jimin who was looking at him .. "Hmm.. I hope everything is ok with him.. By the way where is he now??" Jimin asked as he started play the game again .. "I dunno... He is spending too much time with our new math teacher" Jungkook said with a hint of sadness.. "Hmm.. I also notice that .. " Jimin said and pause the game and look at Jungkook "Don't feel sad ok? He love you" Jungkook just nods and left the room after saying bye to Jimin.

At dinner time:

"Jin hyung .. It's so yummy ... " Hobi said that to Jin who was serving rice to Namjoon bowl as he come late .."Why is tae??" Namjoon ask as he found everyone at the table except tae.."He didn't come home " Yoongi answer and eat his foods "Where is he.. anyone know??" Namjoon again asked then Jimin just answer "He have math tuition " .. Namjoon nods but he couldn't help but feel weird.. That boy who hate math as much namjoon hate sea foods ..He is spending hours to learn math..

*Main door open* A tried tae come .. He was passing by the dinning area.. but namjoon stop him "Tae.. why are you so late?? " Tae just stand there and look at them.. Jin show something in tae eyes but he couldn't tell what is it .. Is it asking for help but why .. why he will need help all sudden .. But jin just shake his head and ask tae to join them .. But just deny and went to his room .. and all sudden there was loud music coming from his room .. All of them just look at each other.. They are counfused but they are also worried..

Taehyung pov:

As I reach my room ,I locked the door and play music as loud as I can.. I went to bathroom .. I turn the shower on .. The cold water was making me feel good.. I took of my all clothes.. touch my body.. that body is the reason of everything.. this body is curse for me... I still can feel his  hands on it.. I hurrily took soap and started rub on my body.. My eyes started to drop his pain.. I can't hold this anymore.. I also started to scream.. I sat on the bathroom floor trying to calm myself but mind .. my body still remaining me his touch.. That's want me to throw up.. I am glad that I put loud music or everyone can hear me.. I get up from the floor went to the  mirror.. That mirror who always make feel most beautiful person today it's telling  me who dirty I am.. Suddenly someone come into my mind. .. Jungkook..

I can't let him stay with a dirty.. used  person like me he deserve better ..... I decided what I am gonna do..

I went back to my room wear a sweatpants and a big hoodie.. grab all Jungkook stuffs expect a black hoodie.. I stop the  music, unlock the door and went to find him .. I found him at the living room with others.. He looked at me give a bunny smile .. Thats made more tough for me then it was.. But I had to do ...I took a deep breath..

"Jungkook.. I need to tell something" He look quite counfused..But he nods and get up from his seat where he was seating and came infront of me.. "Jungkook .. Let's break up.. Here is all your stuff.. I am sorry .. Bye.. I hope that you find someone better" Handing his stuff to him I just ran to my room lock it or I thought I lock it and lay on my bed cry my heart out..

Jungkook pov:

After finishing dinner me and boys went to living room cuz it's the only place where music is not that loud.. We were talking about tae.. and later tae come here with some stuffs in his hands.. I gave my bunny smile.. he just took a breath and call me.. I went to him.. He just broke up with me gave me my stuffs and left.. I stand there like fool.. How can he do this to me?.. Is my love is a game to him?  I need a proper answer.. I just throw thoes stuffs at floor .. and went to his room.. I didnt care what others are telling me then..

I open the door that made alot sound.. He look at me then turn around.. that made question on myself.. Is I am that bad now that he didnt even what to look at me ?? I just controll my tears.. and went to the bed lay beside him as I touch him he flinch.. That made me feel more worse

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