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(Why I am so cruel??)

"WHATTTTTTT "  "Taetae sto- " "How can I minnie I am gonna be a god ma .... Yayyyyy" Jimin couldn't help but giggles at his soulmates childness.. 

Jimin and Taehyung went for a drive cuz Jimin had something to say . When Jimin said tae I am pregnant.. Tae was so happy shouting. He was so happy for his soulmate..

But gods have another plan .... While Vmin was talking about babies.. Tae didnt notice there was a lil girl road crossing cuz noone use that road so..

"I know right yoongi gonna faint hahhaha  " Jimin finally looked at the road while whipping his tears whice come from so much laughing.. But tae was still taking with him .. "Tae there is a kid .... Taeeeee ahhhhhhhh"  *CRASH*   

Taehyung turn his driving wheel fast so he can safe that lil one . But he knows they gonna crush But he cant let his soulmate and his child hurt . So after changing there direction tae cover jimin  so he can be safe ..

That lil one parents come after that crush so they call the ambulance...


"Hobiii get that call pls .. I am busy " Jin shout from the kitchen.. jhope" sigh and answer the call" Hello " that phn slipped from Jhope's hand . "Hobi what happend ... who called .... and why is that phn is on ground ... " Jin asked so many questions after coming from the kitchen.. But none of them Jhope answer .. He was just standing there . So Jin just shake the beta .. "hobbbbbiiii" Finally Jhope said something that made jin  almost fall in the ground .. "They got in a accident .. Jimin-n is sa-safe but-t but..."  Jin could help he was shaking Jhope  so he can say other parts . But Is jin was ready for that? No He wasn't .. in his mind he was only praying for tae to be also safe.. Jhope take a deep I mean DEEP breath and again continue "But Tae is in OT .. Doctor said he had very less chance to surviv-ve.... Yoongi hyung sign his bonds " Now Jin fell on that hard floor.. But ge wasnt crying . Crying wont be justice how he was feeling . Jhope was also holding his tears.  Jhope was about to say something but Jin got up and asked him if he wanna go to hospital with him . Jhop didnt take a single second and nods . They left for hospital


Jin and hobi run to yoongi who was waiting for them infront of hospital gate. "How is Jimin .. Yoongi " Jin asked the question first  .  Isn't Its weird for asking about someone who was safe when other was in OT?? For Jin no cuz he want some water in his burning heart and that Yoongi and Jhope fully understand . Here is his lil brother and his child . Noone can understand a mother pain or a big brother  pain .. when Jin was both a brother for Jimin and a mom for tae he was devastated now...

"Yes hyung he is good now .. he and baby are safe I am gonna always greatful to tae .. he saved them " Yoongi said that with a small smile . Onside of him happy that his mate his pup are safe.. Other side of him breaking apart Tae was his  "lil one" his holding hand partner..

"Congress.. yoongi hyung ... you are becoming a dad now .. " Even tho Jhope said that with a smile but his eyes betray him they become teary.   He is happy for Jimin but he also devastated not like jin but he was . Jimin was his best friend and Tae was his sweetheart .. His crime partner  and dance partner  both were in hospital . It's just one is good while one  "lil" bad .

Jin take a deep breath a finally said "How... how is m-my kid yoon-ongi.. " "Hyung he is still in OT.. he will ....will be fine ... Right hobi ??" Yoongi asked hobi cuz he wants some console.. "Y.. ye-es hyung our kid is a fighter yeah he is a fighter .. he will be fine ... "

Three of trying to look strong when they are not especially Jin.  "Hyung lets go inside.. " Jin took a deep breath and Jhope hold his hand and three of them went to inside together...

After 3 hours:

Finally that red light ...  turn off a docter came out . "Docter ....  Is he alive?" Thats the first thing Yoongi asked "yes he is alive .. U should thanked to moon godness he was the one the dangerous case .. but fight for his life.   He never gave up " Three of them finally feel like they are breathing  but soon there breathing again stop "But... he got many injuries some in internal some in his bones .. especially in his knee to toe ...   and he will be shift in a ICU from other door" "thxs do-....doc" That doctor just nods and gave a pat on yoongi shoulder and left . Soon a nurse come to them and ask them if they wanna meet Jimin..  Jimin was. Safe but faint

"Taetae " Jimin shout out when he hear the door open sound. That shout made three hearts aches .. Cuz now they can assume what gonna happened.. maybe more than they assume..  "Mi-minnie .. " Jin was the first one who called Jimin . Jimin that biggest mochi smile replaced with a normal cute smile.. " Hyung ... "  " Minnie Congress... You are gonna be a mom ... WOW..." jimin can feel that happy sound from hobi doesnt feel like happy It's quite like fake .. But let that pass and smile .. "So minnie .. I will be the god mom right " Jin just wanna talk about something so Jimin will forget about tae atleast for now but he was wrong so wrong .... "HAHAHAHAHAH .. Oh god jin hyung u almost made me cry Hahaha How can u assume to my kid god ma when my taetae is here.. he never gonna let that happend you know he saved me and my baby in the car when we got in that accide-" Jimin finally recall everything and he smile replaced with a teary eyes .. He looked at everyone  face carefully he can see that puffy red eyes now .. "Alpha ..." Jimin called yoongi who was back facing him from the first .. but yoongi didnt replied .. Jin and hobi just starring at Jimin and yoongi .. They know if they try to say something they will broke down.. so they stay quite..

"ALPHA ....MIN YOONGI.... MIN FUCKING YOONGI .. " Jimin was shouting at yoongi who was  doing his best to controll himself . Yoongi take a deepbreath and turn around "minnie"  "WHERE IS TAE ....WHERE IS HE ... YOONGI WHERE IS HE... WHE- " "IN ICU... NOW  STOP... HE IS IN THAT FUCKING ICU... NOW PLS ..."  Jimin was silent then "HAHAHAHAHAH ... SO FUNNY HAHAHAH.. FROM WHEN YOU START TO JOKE HAHAHA" Jimin was laughing and  crying both at the same time that scare everyone ... "AHHHHHH AHHHHHH AHHHHH TAEEEEE AHHHH" Jimin was shouting like mad man .. Jhope hurrily called a  nurse who gave him a sleeping injection..

Jin , Jhope , Yoongi finally gather courage they went to tae's room .. There  he was sleeping like a lifeless doll .. There was so many wires ... machine connects with his small body.. his body was half cover with a white blanket..but they dont wanna think what happend under that.. Jhope was the first one who left and jin was the last one..

"Ring ringggg" Jin answer his call.. without noticing who called.... "Jinnie~~" that happy sound made jin wanna cry out  his pain but cant .. "Joonie~~" "where is my child jin.. is he alright ... he wasnt answering my calls..  "  "he is al.. alright .. joonie.. ah.. jimin is pregnant so u can think where is he.. hahah " jin just wanna tell his pain but he knows what can happend so he just hide the truth.   "Ohh reallyyyy.. thats good.. but pls feed tae that never take care of himsel-.. "  "yoongi wanna talk" Jin just gave his phn to yoongi and hug hobi ..

"Hello Joon" "Congress  hyung .  Take care of Jimin and also tae..hehe ... oh kookie also wanna Congress u " "Hey hyng. Congress ... pls put that call speakers so jin hyung also can hear.. " Yoongi put the call on speaker "it's in speaker talk" " Hyungs  take care of Jimin but pls also take care of tae.. he maybe forget about himself.. jin hyung pls feed my (OUR) yh yh joon hyung oUr bby And pls put ointment on his cut .. That boy cut his finger while cutting some fruites .. That made me and my wolf hurt ... even joon hyungs also .. and he  scare of a injection but he hav to take one as usual  .. so pls take  care ... we will be there in a week so pls take of my fiancee and tell him both of us love him " Three hearts and soul so was breaking at each of kook's word. . So Yoongi just say ok and cut the call.. How can they say to them..

"Hyung we hav to tell them " "you know what gonna happend if they know now. They r worse than jimin .. We cant tell them .. not now "


There will be part of 2...

I just wanna clear somethings...

1. Namjoon is Tae big brother but he love and take care of tae as his own child and Jin also love and take care of him as his own child as he is a human.  Joon and jin were same age . Joon is 10 years older than tae

2. Jungkook and Tae are mates and also they are engaged... Joon and kook have to go New York for some works ..

3. Joon always put tae 1st from everything even Jin is 2nd one ..

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