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"Bby bun come here" ... tae is shouting on his 5 years son Jeon Taeguk . "No no " taeguk is running around the house.. "Ok .. then .. If bby bun doesn't want to hear a story as his wish.. what can I do" tae said dramatically and smirk when he hear a loud NO... "no.. mommy gukkie wanna hear a story " tae smile nd carry him to there room .. He laid his son and sat beside him nd cover his son and himself with a blanket.. "Ok.. now tell whice story u wanna hear" he was kinda surprise with his son's answer "gukkie wanna hear how u and dada meet" tae Smile at his son gave a small kiss on his cheeks "Ok..bby "

Taehyung pov:
"So I meet ur dada when I was 15 and he was 17.. That was a rainy day .. But for me it was a bad bad bad day before i meet ur dada.." "But why mama" aww my bby is soo cuteee..  "First I forgot my umbrella.. My all friends didnt come i was alone .. my teacher scold me for not doing that home work.. i got detention.. i dont remember why.. Then when i miss my bus.. nd rain started.. i also get wet " "rweally bad bad bad day mommy" " yea... but its get good thanks to ur dada" "rwaelly mommy" gukki asked with a big smile... i also smile back at him nd continue "Yea.. i suddenly feel rain stop  few secs later i realize it didnt . Its just a big bulky boy holding a umbrella over my head... He was so handsome... I was so socked .. and in my mind I was thinking that is he angel who come to save me from this heavy rainfall .. I didnt notice that I was looking him more like a starring him like more than 10 mins .. ur dada let out a fake cough .. thats the moment i realize what i did .. i was embraced.. But thank god the bus came .. he didnt say anything he look at me gave me a sigh to got up first.. nd i did then he got up .. we sat together but both of us just silent  " "wow!! U guys was silent ... " "Hey what does that mean ?? " i asked with a fake anger .. "sowwy mommy.. its just that u and that always talk cant stop for a min thats way gukkie asked " awwwww... My kid is sooo cuteeee "Ok.. but we were silent that time .. Then ur dada broke the silent .. He said.. Jungkook ...  i become a dumb kid .. i was just looking at him.. nd said huh .he chuckle nd said my name is Jungkook.. i just nods nd then said my name is Kim tae hyung..  Then all the way of my home we talk .. I get down first not before he took my number.... Thats how we first meet bby" "Wow.. mama ... when dada gonna come .. gukkie miss him" Gukkie said with a sad face..
3rd person pov:
Tae laid down beside gukkie nd pull me colser to his chest nd then said" Dada will come home soon bby ..  He cant stay away from his gukkie long time.. Now lets sleep ok" Few mins later gukkie slept peacefully on tae chest... tae just kiss his cheeks and whispers to himself "Pls come back home quickly we miss u kookie... i love u hubby"
Then tae also fall asleep

(Jungkook is an army officer .. he had to go for a war ..  its been 6 months he went for a war )

Thanks for reading

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