Issue's (part 2)

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Taehyung pov:

I dont know what should I do? Ughhhh.. Why that coconut started to come home late ...  I know I should trust him but I just cant .. What if he cheats me  .. No no thats can't happend (Ring Ring) my phn rings I saw its Jimin .. so i answer

J: Hlw Taetae

T: Hey chim

J:I just wanna ask are u  free at sunday??

T: Hmm .. But why tho

J:  I wanna do some shopping  so ....wanna come?


J:ok then.. at 5 pm

T:  ok .. bye chim


Atleast for that day I will stop worrying *sigh* Lets start cooking then

Jungkook pov:

"Thx lisa ... U r really awesome " "Dont be silly kookie " lisa reply ... "Lets meet at sunday at mall ok?" Lisa think for sometime then smile and say "Ok .. umm at 5.30 pm ok?" I smile and nods ... "Then Bye kookie ..  " "Bye" i just stand there and smiling like a fool .. I cant wait for sunday

At Home:

Still Jungkook pov:

I went home quite early today ...  I cant do any work so here I am now..  I press the bell .. after few mins my beautiful boyfriend open the door .. and hug me .. trust me I love this way to welcome at home .. "koo u came early today " tae said that with a big smile.. its made me think I should come early for this big smile on his face ... I just nods and give him a peck .. He said to me to take a shower and who I am to say no... after shower I looked he already arranged the table.. and I swear all foods look so yummy..  I hurrily sat on chair and said  "Bby lets dig in " he chuckle and nods ..
After dinner... we are cuddling than he said he and jimin gonna will be hangout at sunday ... I just nods and said ok .. Actually its good for now I can meet with lisa peacefully.. and I dont hav to lie to tae..  I felt he sleep so I also felt my eyelashes heavy and i didnt realize I also fall asleep

At Sunday :

Still Jungkook pov😅:

I was reading a book when tae come and told me "Baby .. I am going now " he gave me a kiss then left .. I looked at the clock it was about 4.50 pm so I started to ready.. about at 5.15 pm I was ready so ... I hurrily lock the door and hop on in my car ...

At mall:
Taehyung pov:(Finally someone 😅 so i wrote his part in bold)

Me and chim having fun  at the mall untill I saw koo my koo with a girl they r look so happy .. I saw them to went to the jewellery shop .. And them chim call me "Taetae " "Huh.. R u calling me?" "yea... Actually u were so much lost and I got a call from yoonie .. He ask me to come home right now ..." I gave him a small smile and say "Its ok chim U can go and I have something to buy "  Chim just nods "ok bye chim" I hug him .. he also hug me back and say bye and left the place .. I went to the jewellery shop where I saw them .. I felt numb when I saw Koo and that girl choosing engagement rings.. Most importantly koo has a big smile .. I didnt see that smile for such a long time.. I felt more numb when he was hold that girl hand and wear her a ring . I was stand there shocked .. I cant move .. Suddenly someone hold my hand I when I looked that was koo no no not koo that was Jungkook .. not my koo he was someone else Jungkook .. I was sooo numb that I cant even to say him something next thing I know I faint..

Jungkook pov:

Me and lisa was buying rings .. Suddenly I felt someone is watching us .. I felt my blood run cold Tae was standing there .. His eyes was cold .. I hurrily told lisa to buy thoes rings whice I choose and gave her my card .. and i went to my bby .. I call him for few times but no response then I hold his hand he finally look at me but his eyes were ice cold .. he suddenly he faint .. I was so socked but I hold him in my arms .. I called him few times but no response so I carried him to my car and went to the hospital .. Gadly he was safe docter said that he was faint cuz of shock and he was now sleeping  .. I feel really bad.. And Lisa come and told me to relax and hug me and whispers sweets words .. and half and hour I told her to go cuz its not safe for girls outside in this area .. she just nods and give thoes rings .. I just look at them and sigh .. I went to my bby room with some courage whoce was i gathering there .. i saw him wake .. I went to him and hold his hand .. He didnt say anything ..We were just holding hands then finally he said explain.. His voice was harsh...
"That girl was lisa  .. She was the girl who called that day she is m-" I was cuted  by him .."So I was right u are cheating on me .. why u cheated on me koo wasnt i enough for you.. was i that ugly that u cheated on me answer me  " Tae was crying so hard he started to breath heavily so I went to him and hug him tightly and say bby pls let me explain pls i was also verge of crying.. after few
mins  he nods.. i broke the hug and hold his hands and started to explain "Lisa is my no not my our wedding planner .. And  she is Jennie's Girlfriend "

Taehyung pov:
I was shock when I hear our wedding planner and Jennie's Girlfriend.. Jennie is Hobi hyung sister ..She is a nice girl .. we meet couple of time.. "our wedding-g" Koo just nods "Yes tae i wanna propose you but U ruin that" koo pout I cant belive this Maybe he was lying "But U were wearing her a ring there.. and how did I ruin that" this time I pout "yea .. I was wearing her a ring cuz I forgot to bring one of ur rings remember When i come early that day lisa told me that we will be buy our rings at sunday .. Thats why I was so happy .. But in my happy hours I forgot to bring your ring and lisa's hand is also like yours thats y i was wearing her a ring.. and u ruin that cuz it isnt a surprise anymore .. I work so hard to ignore u and now everything is wasted cuz i cant see ur reaction anymore " I dont know how am feeling i am sooo happy ..sooo excited.. i just hug him tightly then I broke that hug and kiss him .. and say then propose me now .. I can see he was shocked and but happy .. he nods and about to go on his knees but i stop him and say "koo propose me like u ask me for me to be ur boyfriend " i said that shyly i can feel him smirking.. He told my hand I get that cue and now i was on my feet .. he hold my wrists and kiss me .. he broke our kiss attach our foreheads and started to speak slowly with his deep voice.. "Kim Taehyung... u the best thing ever happend to me .. I was a lost man who doesnt know what was love .. u teach me what is love ... I hav many Issues.. but u accept me .. I admit that u also have issues but u know what I dont have any problems with any thing if u stay with me..  I have a huge debt on u And i to pay my debet with my whole life .. And truly  i forget My speech so lets get to the main point ... will u marry me and become Mr.Jeon for rest of ur life... " I am sooo happy  He said said thoes things whice is I was dying to hear .... I kissed him and he broke the kiss and Ask me to answer And ofc i said "yes .. and bby i admit that I also have issues but thx to u i guess I can try to overcome that issues".. and he smile kiss me again .. We broke our kiss when we heard a cough .. we look that was a docter he  smile at us .. he told us that I am fine and we can leave now.. we bow at him .. and left the hospital .. 

...................The End ...........

Finally I write that hurrily .. pls ignore  my Grammar mistakes..
Thx for reading ☺🙃

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