ment to be

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am giving all of you a power  choose any onshort story and the most comment onshort story will be written  as full story atleast 10 to 20 episode . .  So Choose which ever you guys want as a story . 

Bcus i am lost there to many i can not choose.

Now lets start

A male maybe in his early thirty wearing a fake designer suit .  Walking in crowd mindlessly . Even he was bumping with many but he didn't care abit . He was so lost in his thoughts . He can not believe he got embarrassed again.  He couldn't just told those rich people that even this fake suit cost his half salary. Maybe , god didn't written any peace in his faith .

He just decided to sat one of the benches of the metro station.  He will travel in the last train which have a proper two hour left .

He was so lost in his head.. he jumped when he heard a teenager boy was hugging his lover maybe she just arrived .. he just smile at them. .. just by starting at them .. his brain who he doesn't when become his  friend .. drag him his past .. when he was a mere 17 year boy fall for a 19 year prince ...

His prince Kim Taehyung.  Youngest son of Kim's . That boy was nice , down earthed .. but in his blood he has money . Even he didn't try to show off his mere acts always did for him ..

The male couldn't help but let out a painful laugh... When he remember how the prince met his cousin ,

" Hello , I am Taehyung . Nice to meet you "

" Hello , I am niya . You are looking beautiful " Taehyung smile and comment her something nice .

Niya was a fashion freak so just by one look of Taehyung she can tell his whole outfit atleast cost 50 to 80 thousand dollars.  

Three of them talk a bit than Taehyung had to go his hyung called . When his car come , niya almost faint.. that car they can not even see in thier wildest dreams and tae just told her its just for his daily use . After tae left . She turn towards her brother , hold his hands and throw some truths which hurts like someone throwing some stones at him .

" Jungkook , I hope you know who is he . I just saw him once and I can tell he live like a royal . We can not afford him . Jungkook , stop dreaming about million dollars when you are laying in a dirty rag. 

He can be your dream not partner . Cus you can not give him anything ? "

Jungkook stay silent than said ,

" Noona , I can start a business, it will be successful than I can give him everything "

Niya gave him a sad smile ,

" Jungkook , are you a brilliant student? As far i know you are a normal student.  About business, only in stories those are qualified not in our world . "

" I am sorry for saying those to you kook . But , do you think you can even afford his napkin? His napkin is even atleast 5000 dollar .."

Jungkook stayed silent

Jungkook shook his head but than again he remembers how namjoon Taehyung older brother called him in their home which was a palace in his eyes ...

Jungkook wear his best clothes but he still felt the servants were wearing better clothes than him .

Namjoon walked towards him take a seat talk with nicely . Jungkook was surprised but he didn't show it . Both of them had lunch together . Without any shame those were jungkook's best lunch ever .

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