Highschool love

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In highschool who doesn't fall in love ? Some's story stay a secret some don't . But no one can said they didn't have any one .

Highschool love is something most of us want .... But many if us love our crushes from far fear of rejection . This story also about about a boy who love this crush but fear the rejection .


If there isn't a third person than it's not a love story 😉

"Class , welcome Park Jimin " mrs lee called jimin inside . Jimin walked in looking like an angel . But when he entered he catch two pairs of eyes . One fall in , one get scare. Jimin also have a crush on someone .

"Hello, I m park jimin , 16 years old , love dancing. " Mrs, lee smile and said "you can seat with jungkook" Jungkook put his hand up so jimin can know who is he. Jimin walked towards jungkook and sat beside him . Both them give their best smile .

But their smile fall off for some reason . "I m jungkook , you can call me kookie " jimin smile and said "I am jimin , you can call me minnie" jungkook nods ... suddenly they heard a loud sound from the next row by jimin .

"May I go to the washroom? Ok , thanks" saying that person left without giving time to the teacher reply . Soon another person walked by jungkook "i m going too . " Saying he also left .

In washroom ....

Last person just entered the washroom found  other was waiting for him.  "That fucker , just come today and trying to steal my man " "Dude , you love him for two years now , still couldn't do anything . So it's not jimin's fault" "yeah , it's not . It's your fault . If love him for 4 years by now . I have more friends in his old school because we used to sneak out there most of the time . " "ok ok , we have to do something. Or they will be together . Ok let's give them a week . Than come out with something" "cool, btw bitch who did you fuck , there is a hickey on your neck" "oh , thats an skin problem.  Can you kissed it better " "Ewww , no ". "Please *showing puppy eyes*" "Gosh tae .. come here"  "thanks yoongi hyung" yoongi pulled tae closed to by his waist tae put his arms on his shoulder cuz it's comfortable than yoongi placed a quick kiss on his neck  that time the door open , jungkook and jimin enter . Both of them were shocked hearing the door open yoongi and tae moved away hurriedly . Jungkook and jimin's eyes fall on tae's neck . Jimin left the place . Tae tried to explain to jungkook but

"Jungkook -" jungkook step back "i am sorry " saying that he also left .

A week later .....

Jungkook and jimin become really close . You will found them together  . They even have a sleepover . But two people are really unhappy about this . They tried many things to make them separate like  one time they steal jimin's note book and blame it own jungkook than they found out that notebook actually belongs to jungkook jimin just took that for copy his notes , or they wrote a threat letter towards jungkook but half of its was really written with hate and other half was a kinda love letter ..

"Will you be my boyfriend tae?" Tae throw a book towards yoongi "what the fuck? Dont tell me you love me . I spend 4 years for nothing "  yoongi rub his head because that book hit on his head "idiot , will you become my fake boyfriend and make them jealous . ?? " "you can told me that before right . I wouldn't have to throw my book. But if it's fail ?" Yoongi sigh "than what ? I am going to be priest " tae looked at him weirdly "Alone ? You fucker " tae again start beating yoongi with book "bitch , i will take you too stop now . " Tae finally stop ."ok lets go then . They will be in 5th floor . Room 505 . Cuz 5th floor is empty . Sitting in last row's 6th bench . Eating mochi and gimpap with banana milk and chocolate milk while listening rapmonster's persona or jhope's CNS . "  "thats it " "yeah?" "Ok let's go"

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