Rainy day

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"Mr. Jin , you have to wait little more . Manager nim didn't finish his lunch yet. " That assistant said . Jin just nods.  He was really glad his son was asleep.  he asked "when he will he come ? My son is sick if you asked him how long we have to  .. "  jin hesitate .. That girl turn and said 'You should left your son at home than . " Saying she left .  Jin felt crying  and leave the place immediately but he needs to stay here.  So he just hug his son tightly and wait ...

"Yoongi ? Are you yoongi ??" Jimin said like a question . Yoongi face went to disgust face " jimin , it's literally noon and you are drunk . Are you serious? " Jimin just giggles and took another gulp of whiskey.  "Yep , its the only thing help me to forget about him " yoongi just yelled at jimin "Who is that person , you want to forget jimin? Tell me . Who us that person you are killing yourself " jimin shake his head as a no "shuu , I can't tell . If he finds out i love him , he will leave him .. no " yoongi looked at him disbelief .  "So , he is more important than your health ,  future ? Answer me"  Yoongi wants to add something in that important list... But he can't.  "Yesh~~ .. he is more important than anything ..he he is the only thing i want , i love .. I love him yoongi.   So much i can ruin myself for him " yoongi didn't answer just left jimin alone ..  only thing jimin didn't notice yoongi was crying , and the thing yoongi didn't notice jimin looking at him the whole time ...

'Kook-ah sit here , are you comfortable baby?" Tae asked jungkook who mumble a small yes .  Tae gave him a big smile than he remembers , the person who make him a big smile , can't see the big smile. .he  didn't let that over power him again just like he didn't 4 years ago .. he puts jungkook's hand on his face .. jungkook touch his and he himself gave a big smile to tae .. "Careful baby . I will be back before the class end ok?" Jungkook again mumble ok ..  tae  saw the teacher coming he stole a quick peak from jungkook as a bye ... Jungkook turn pink .. tae smile at his love , before going tae request the professor and the monitor if they can take care of jungkook . Both said yes . Tae was little relief and left ..

"Hobi , yoongi hyung sister is coming . I am going to pick her up .. can you com-" "No , namjoon . I cant ." Hobi with a blank face .. sadly namjoon still can read the emotions inside that face as he was and still is going though this . 'Its been 3 years hobi.. forget it and forgive her.  " Namjoon said with a soft smile " I will" hearing that namjoon almost have his dimple smile but hearing other part his smile vanished "If you forgive him ." "Didn't i told you not to mention him again ?" Namjoon said with cold voice "didn't i also mentioned you the same ? Also namjoon , what was his fault ? He just loved you like you did than why are you giving punishment for something he didn't do ? Both of us know who's fau- " hobi was cut by namjoon's cold voice "Leave . Lets talk later "  hobi also left , knowing staying wont help both yet they knows its not their fault completely ..

Jin was waking with son . He was feeling so angry at the manager , that bastard just said the papers is due after making him wait for 5 hours . Jin would really punch him if he didn't want the savings of dad .  Sadly his dad passed away 2 months ago .. and he needs money for his son illness , but the bank manager is really making this whole situation way more hard that it's already. 

Suddenly rain started , thats the problem of rainy season's , nobody knows when rain will come .. jin hurriedly take off his jacket and cover his son .   He was in a empty road with no trees , no human nothing .. he was running slowly carrying his son. After 10 minutes he saw a tree he hurried there... Still rain drops were falling but less than previous .. soon there wasn't any rain drop , jin looked up saw a umbrella , he turn to see who  was that person .. seeing that person hos breath hitch .. "joonie"

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