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It's plan toxic . Pls dont take it too much in your heart .

Everyone was dancing , singing armies were gone crazy , every member was putting there last amount of energy in this last song of their last day of concert .

Music was another level loud , fire works , purple waves  everything was too perfect .

Finally concert over . Everyone was tried as hell . Especially tae he had to do 5 songs without any breaks . 2 groups 1 vocal line , 1 his own and because of jin was sick so he also did jin's song .

Everyone went to hotel . They just somehow reach their rooms and no turning back  to see what happened behind or beside . They just take a quick shower and fall asleep . Expect one couple ...

Everyone went to their room . Tae and Jungkook also went their room both took shower tae took after jungkook . Tae come out and find jungkook watching something with anger in his eyes.  Tae knows what gonna happen . So he sigh and went to jungkook kiss him .

But jungkook broke the kiss and slap tae hard . So hard that made a cut on his face . Tae just sat on floor where he fall because of that slap .  10 minute later jungkook throw his phone on a couch . Than hold tae's face roughly

"Do you like to get touchy huh? Am i not enough ?? Or you need more people ?? You slut how can you kiss jimin's forehead ?? How can you hug hobi hyung more than 30 sec ?? Answer me"

Jungkook said those calmly . But tae just stay quite.


Tae stay clam and said "I am sorry , not gonna happen again . Please forgive me "

Jungkook just stand up took of his pants and forcefully puts his dick inside tae's mouth

"Pleasure me . "

Tae just did what he was told .  Sometime later jungkook cum in tae's mouth . Tae looked at jungkook who just nods , tae again look down and gulp that . Than open his mouth. Soon jungkook pull him up by his hands roughly and throw him on bed . Tae was only wearing a hoodie nothing under . He left his pants on table . But he is gald he didnt wear them.

Soon tae started to feel pain , hate for himself , he was going though a hell . Jungkook was always looking at him . Tae knows that even he was looking at other side .  Finally that hell was over .  It's was just normal ra- i mean sex .

Jungkook pull himself out . And put his hands on tae's cheeks and made him turn to him and kiss his lips , cheeks , forehead , nose than get up , brought his medicine box . He slowly put medicines on tae's cheeks . Tae was only look at him . With teary eyes . Believe me tae didn't felt crying when all hell went to him but he felt crying when kook start to take care of him .

Tae just brought Jungkook's hand which was putting medicine and kiss it . Jungkook smile enlighten the whole room .  Tae also gave him a small smile .

Soon after jungkook was laying in tae's lap . Before falling asleep jungkook mumbles "Dont leave me tae , I love you "

Tae just sat there playing with jungkook's hair and crying silently .

1 month later....

Everyone was in practice room . Tae had another rough night yesterday . And it was way more instance than other ...

So tae happened to went outside for drinking with his hwang hyungs . Only mess he left is he didn't inform jungkook about this. Tae come back after midnight and find out a super calm and smiling jungkook .

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