pregnant (omega )

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Taehyung and Jungkook was cuddling its was a super cold night .. Outside snow was fallen like anything looks like a storm can happend anytime .. Taehyung was bit uncomfortable even tho he was with his mate but still He cant help and call his mate who is holding him like a precious doll. "Alpha " tae said that quietly but kook hear it any way . jungkook was 24/7 alert about his mate and especially when he is pregnant he is more alert . Jungkook response him with a yes . "Alpha can u leave me .. I am sry but I am feeling hot " Jungkook was quite surprised cuz in his all 9 months tae love his cuddles even in hot summer he had to cuddle when kook said no he always start to cry and that tae is saying no to cuddle in this stormy night eventually he broke their cuddling position and about to say something but he notice tae is sweating like he just run 30km and he also had a painful expression "bby r u ok?" Kook asked "I am ok koo its maybe a false alarm we still have 3 weeks remember " tae said with a painful smile . Kook just nods ..

Jungkook pov:
I didnt move . I just looked at tae closely his painful expression said it all how pain he is feeling even i can feel his pain as mate but i can just fell 10% whice he was feeling right now . And I cant sit and watch my mate in pain . "Tae we r going to hospital " I told him h e just nods . I hurrily call our pack doctor "hello dr.jin " "yes. Alpha " " my mate is in pain pls get ready" "But alpha there is strom outside how can u come in this and roads r also slippy " "Fuck.. ahh Cant u guys come " "Alpha in most of the labour took 10 to 12 hours .. So pls take care of luna.. And I will be there as soon as the strom stop " "Ok " I cut the call .. Went to my room saw tae biting his lips suppress the screams.. I just run to him and hold his hand. He looks at me and smile . And thats smile was killing me cuz thats smile making me feel how bad i am as a mate . I look down there i saw blood on our white bed sheets. Then i looked up again when i feel he was holding my hand very tightly and he was trying to push. "Baby what r u doing " "a-alpha i -i can fe-el the he -head we have to do-do this right now you-you have to do this pls-s" tae said with a broken voice .. i just looks down there wasnt anything . "Bby stop wait ok pls for me just bear it little" "a-alpha i -i will" I just went outside to make a quick call to dr.jin "Cant u fucking make it" "I cant i am sor- " i cut the darm call went back to our room . "A-alpha pls .. I cant-n't anymore" I cant express how i feel that time "bby pls little more" I take out my phn again went to YouTube and search for emergency delivery and the first video come I watch it . I can feel the pain god thats really making me sick after watching video 3 times . I think i am ready . I put two pillows under tae back.then i went to bathroom sanitize my hands do other things whice i was told in that video "Ok bby push" he started to push. I was looking at that so i can see the bby head . After 3 or 4 push i can see the bby's head . I gently put my hand on it cuz if i do something wrong the bby could die . Tae was still pushing . The bby's shoulder finally come on view i gently grab it take the bby out . Thats the time tae just made a sound "ahh" .and the bby is in my hands and the bby started to cry in that video they said it's gonna be ugly but belive me that was the most beautiful thing ever see .Gadly the umbilical cord didnt tangled brought a scissor before . Now I have to cut the cord. I have to very careful cuz if do any mistake with cutting this bby can die cuz blood loss . In that video they told to cut to the middle of two lines. Even all them called me a fearless fighter who doesnt know what is fear i just want to say them no i fucking know what is the fear .i am fucking feeling this now. I take a deep breath and cut it bby startedto cry again. I check the bby who is fine now . I look at tae who was looking at me and the bby with a Simle and teary eyes . I gave him a proud smile .he started push again for the placenta . I gave the bby to his mother .yes the bby is a boy. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands not before put the placenta in a polythene for doctor . I came back with a blue towel. Tae was holding our bby with a proud smile. I went there and hug my cute little family. All those things happend in 3 or 4 hours when doctor told me its gonna take 10 to 12 hours. "Ding Dong' tae looked at me i just smile and went to open the door . Thats was dr.jin and his team . I told him what happend he just nods and went to our bedroom .He told me to wait here. After half an hour a nurse come and gave me my bby . I guess she clean him .I was holding my new born bby who is now sleeping . Tae feed him when i gave him the bby. I sat on a sofa and wait. Its like 4 hours they went inside what happend . My wolf was also feeling uncomfortable. Finally after 4 and half hours later dr.jin come out. I got up from my seat and went to him."how is he " "Alpha Jeon,luna is ok I must say he is very strong omega. Cuz most of them in this type of deliveries mother's cant make it up cuz of heavy blood loss and weakness . Truly he was so weak and also loss alot blood . Luckily we brought bloods and other equipments. He tried his best and me and my team is so thankful for that. He is ok now.But still he is weak .pls take care of him and the nurse check ur little alpha he is also good . He really got ur gens " "al-alpha?and thx" "yes he is a alpha""thx dr.jin for everything ""no no its our duty and i wanna take leave and pls take both of them to the hospital between this week" "ok " After dr.jin and his team left. I went our room saw tae was sleeping peacefully his dress and bed sheet was change . I make note in my mind to say dr.jin and his team a thx for this. I went to him. He was quite pale . He open his eyes little and smile a little and say more like whisper "baby how is he" "our little alpha is good" he gave a boxy smile . Tae wants a boy (and alpha) and I wants a girl (and wolf doesnt matter) looks like god hears his wish . "Can u and him stay here with me" " ok " i sat to bed tae was laying in middle. I was looking at both of them and tae was touching the bby . After few mins i lay the bby with tae and went to bring the crib . I saw tae was counting bby's fingers . I settle the crib with our bed's side . And then put our bby there. And finally hug my tae and take his smell. Thats made me and my wolf clam. "Thx for everything. Love u" i whispers to him "i love u too" and he fall asleep. Then i again check him and our bby then let my eyelashes heavy and I also fall alseep.

...........The End...........

Truly i didnt know about delivery so i do research on it . But still if there was any mistake then i am so sry. I tried my best .

Hopefully i guys enjoy

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