Home - memories part 2

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Is been 2 years Jungkook went to borders.. when he last come to seoul his Little boy was 6 .Now he is 8.. Time pass way so fast. Jungkook miss his lil guk and his love sooo much .. As an Army Officer his duties always come fast . But this year he is coming after 2 years he gonna meet his two important parts his heart(Taeguk) and his breath(Taehyung ) . He cant wait to meet them. He finally got 3 months holiday. It's a surprise soo🤐.

In Seoul:

Taehyung pov:

"Gukkie.. Please stop crying .. " I was trying my best to keep guk calm but this boy is Mr. Jeon's son who is just like him.*sigh* "No.. No I want dad ,Mom when is gonna come.. Is he forget about me about you about yeonjun" Taeguk said in between his sobs . "My bby .. ani your dad never forget you or me. He love us alot right.. He also wrote you alots of letters" I hug him as I said that. "Yeah.. letters .. The last letter was 6 months before .. and it was about 10 lines like how we are .. how is my study.. my health.. how is you etc but he never told us he love us or when he gonna come.. mom he dont love or remember us.. and I also dont love him" taeguk said that bitterly.. but I can see His eyes are saying something else. His eyes saying how much he love his dad .. how much he want him .. miss him .. "gukkie .. lis-" i was cut by yoonmin who is Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung's son . Yoongi hyung is also in armies with kook. "Gukkie .. mom invite you and taetae and my lov to our home at night 7 am.. ok I am leaving "After saying that yoonmin left. He is just like Jimin Hyung ."Gukkie... wanna go" I asked him carefully he just nods went to his share room with junnie..

In 2 years many things change. I got again pregnant with yeonjun. I didnt say Jungkook about that .. I just want to surprise him. Yeonjun know his dad thanks to his big brother taeguk. But now Things going out of my hand Taeguk is getting cold, stubborn , rude . But I cant blame him he just love his dad so much. He always want to be like Jungkook. He always participant in sports and win in our home there a wall where we keep taeguk medals . He always want to make his wall like his dad wall .. And now he dont even bother to look at thoes walls .

At night:

Me and kids knock the door . We were kind of surprise as yoongi hyung open the door. "Hey. Tae .. kids come in"

"Uncle yoongi when u come" taeguk ask .."yesterday at midnight " yoongi reply .. "do u kn-" taeguk was cut by jimin "ok ok stop now and finish your meal first " All of us eat our meal silently.

After finishing our meal we sat down .. yoongi hyung started to talk again. "Guk you was talking about something before chim cut you " "yes uncle.. Is just nothing.. I forget" taeguk replied with a smile . But as his mom I know he was holding himself for something.. "who awre yoe" yeonjun ask . "He is my dad love . " Yoonmin answer while side hugging yoongi hyung. Yeonjun just look at them after few mins he come to me and ask for something thats really i dont know how i express. "Mom .. want dada" Yeonjun was asking rapidly while shaking me "want dada ... want dada.. want dada" "Baby .. lis-" I was cut by taeguk "Junnie come here" yeonjun run to his hyung. Taeguk hug him tightly .. and whisper him to stop whining. Yeonjun stop and hug his hyung while sobbing looking at them . "Uncle yoongi and Jimin I am sry for this.. mom I am going i think junnie is sleeping.. bye everyone " taeguk just run away while carrying his brother. I was just looking at the open door. I feel like someone shaking me .. i look that was jimin . "I am sry chim . Bye " I just bow to them and leave.

3rd person pov:

Tae reached their home and directly went to taeguk and yeonjun room . He found both boys were sleeping while hugging. Both of their cheeks were red . Tae just close the door went to his and kook's room close the door . He sat on the bed and finally break down. He was missing his husband... and too many things are happening inside him. He also sleep while crying. The night was a mess for 3 of them.

Next day

"Knock knock " " Guk answer the door" Tae shout from kitchen.
Taeguk open the door and started to crying there was standing his hero.. his supermodel his most loving person his dad whom he miss like hell.. he was dying to meet him and here is he standing front him with a bunny smile.

"Gukkie who come " tae shout while coming from kitchen. "Kookie " tae said when he looked at the door .. he was also looking at kook like taeguk he and taeguk was standing while looking at the person they missed the most.

little yeonjun who came there cuz he saw his mom and hyung was frozen. He saw kook and happily shout "dada" and hug jungkook's leg . Now Jungkook was also froze.

(A/N: Frozen family 😂)

Taeguk just jump on jungkook . Jungkook luckily catch him while protecting yeonjun . (A/N: i dont know how to describe this 😅) .

After father son's time three of them separate. Now tae hug jungkook like his life depends on this same goes for Jungkook. They broke their hug but jungkook still hav his hand on tae wrist. Jungkook asked tae " lov that lil one " "your 2nd copy " tae just answer and walk away.

It's take few sec for Jungkook for understand. After he understand what tae mean he just pick up yeonjun and started to kiss his cheeks and whisper "my bby .. dada loves you " yeonjun reply to jungkook innocently "Junnie loves you too "

Taeguk was just looking at them with happy tears in his eyes and a bunny smile . Jungkook saw him call him for to join them . He run to them join them. Three of them hugging eachother like they r finally breathing now.

Taehyung was looking with them secretly from kitchen he doesnt want them to disturb. He was beyond happy .

Meanwhile at yoonmin place:

"Hyung they r looking so happy " jimin said to yoongi who was back hugging him . Both of them was watching taekook's house from there rooftop.. "yep.. that's was so hard for me to keep that kook is coming today I was almost split that. " yoongi replied as jimin trun to him and kiss me . After they broke the kiss yoongi said"lets go downstairs.. minnie is wake i guess. Thats boy sleep alot " "thats prove that he is your son" after that jimin went to downstairs. It's takes few secs for yoongi to understand that jimin was telling him a sleepy head. He just smile and went to downstairs.

Back to taekook' place :

After lunch tae told everything about taeguk. Jungkook was sad he hurt his son. So he spend that night with only taeguk . Yeonjun sleep with his mom . Jungkook told taeguk that he can't call them if he do then their enemy can find them so he can't . And he doesnt want to give him a fake hope about him coming back early . Or tell him a date cuz if he cant come that's gonna be hurt all of them . Also told him how proud he is afterwatching taeguk's wall. Taeguk was beyond happy after knowing his dad is proud of him he also understand his dad situation . They son and dad made up they both sleep together . Tae woke up at midnight so he went to watch them . He smile as he saw father son cuddling both was looking alike .no no three of them look alike . He went to his room and he also pull yeonjun close to him and sleep.

Tae and kook hav their moments also.



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