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Love is beautiful
Hate is ugly
Love want by everyone
Hate gave by everyone
Love is powerless
Hate is powerful
But why is love is powerless when it's want by everyone?
Cuz you only hate those persons whom you love with your soul.

At night

Jin came back from busan , namjoon , jungkook and hobi also come from there own office . They all went to tae's own apartment . Nami was  in his grandma's house.

For some reason tae called everyone there. Four cars get there together . Jin reach first , than jungkook, than namjoon, than hobi .

All of them stand infront of the house look at themselves . "Does tae message you guys?" Hobi asked other nods. Jungkook went forward and type password.

When they enter they heard piano . All of them went inside . It was dark but the lights from was helping them little. Tae was sitting infront of a piano playing that . Tae playing that fast . All was astoshed . Tae never touch his piano after his 'minnie'  died. 

Finally tae stop playing ... After stopping that he start laughing loudly all was looking at with worried eyes.  Hobi went to switch on the lights.  When the lights get on ... Believe me every one feel there heart get broken. Tae was looking like a whole mess... Eyes, nose , cheeks  are red ,  lips had a big smile but blood was dripping from his corner from his lips. 

When all of them went to tae ... Tae stop them showing his hand . All stop .

"Guys wanna hear a story" tae said with a fake excited voice . Other just nods .

Tae stand up .. "once upon a time , there was idiot , dumb boy . Who used to believe everything.  He was youngest in his family but more than he love or believe his parents he believes his hyung ..."

Namjoon eyes get wide. He looks at jungkook .. who also looked at him . Jungkook shake his head as a no than namjoon looked at hobi who also shake his head as no . Namjoon was about say something but he was cut by tae loud laugh

"Than that dumb meet another hyung .. he loved him as a second mother ... "

All of them looks at jin .. who was clueless like them ..

"Than a beautiful , handsome man comes to his life promising him to gave his love and loyalty"

Now all of them look at jungkook who just shake his head ...

"You know what was the best part there was person who knows everything every single lie but he hide them beautifully.  That will feel that those lies are actually truth"

Hobi looked down in shame cuz tae those words looking at his eyes.

"But what lies??" Tae started to fake thinking every one stop breathing for sure now. .

"Maybe that hyung said something to him that make his whole life in guilt "

Namjoon close his eyes ...

"Maybe his second mother choose to hide everything so beautifully even he knows that will make him more heartbroken "

Jin just looked at tae eyes but in 2 secs he moved his eyes way cuz there was fire in it.

"Maybe that person who promise him to gave his heart and loyalty failed miserably.. he start seeing people when he knows if other will just heard that his heart will be broke but still he chose to lie to him and went to meet other every month for a week ..."

Tae start clapping , jungkook hold hobi's hand for support cuz he isnt feeling ground anymore..

"But you know guys what all of them should do now"

Everyone was silent so ,tae scream


Everyone shakes their head as a no .

Tae started to laugh again

"His brother should just poison him now"  tae said while looking at namjoon's eyes

"TAE" namjoon yelled

"His second mother should take a knife and skillfully stab him in his heart. "

Everyone was silent ....

"His lover should riped open his chest and grab his heart out and kept it aside does anyone knows for what"


Everyone shake there head as no again .

"For playing again.. duh .. guys what will he do if he gets bored other than play with his heart"

Tae start laughing like if he tells a joke .

"You know what that person will do who hide everyones lies he will just buried that body or throw that in a garbage simple .... isnt that story is beautiful. "

Everyone was silent all you can heard is sobs from everyone . All wants to know who told him everything .

All of this turn more worse than jungkook ever imagine. 

Namjoon wants to woke up from this nightmare...

Hobi wants to unheard all of secrets ..

Jin wants to just woke up now everything is just creating more mess inside him .

Tae .. he just wants answer. ..

"Namjoon-ssi and jungkook-ssi "
Both looked at tae 

Namjoon and jungkook both went there knees close their hands "Forgive me " both of them said that.

" guys mom used to say what you do always you got that back.  What  guys will do if some day you guys found out I also have a secret which will ruin your minds not lifes I m not that bad"

"What if you knows that someday I died because of you guys"

Jin walked to him and slap him.  Namjoon ,jungkook and hobi was shocked.

Tae just chuckle and left with his car keys.

Before going tae said   "I hate all of you . "

After tae leave jin fall on that hard ground . Everyone was crying.  

In busan...

"I am coming jungkook.  " Jimin said and sat on his train seat ..

In next ep....

You know tae jungkook is cheating behind your back and namjoon ,hobi, jin all knows about it.  Leave them tae ..


Ok it's a part of Believe ..
I m quiet busy with believe that's y I aren't updating this .

Also if u guys have any requests you can tell me

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