Spring day

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4.05 pm ..
16 September 2019

"I love you jin " saying that namjoon close his eyes ...

"I am sorry baby " jimin smile and put his hand on his four month belly...

"I love you jungkook " tae cut the call...

"Sorry , for being stubborn hobi .. take care " younghoon cried out

9. 10 pm
15 September 2019

"I can't believe joon . You are going to daegu . Like tomorrow is our anniversary " jin was yelling while packing namjoon's backs for daegu.

"What can i do , they called me jinnie . Soobin baby stay still " namjoon yelled from soobin's room.

"Now , you can't take care of a 10 month baby. Gosh .why did i marry you ." Jin come to the living room.

Namjoon also come our from soobin's room while carrying him. He let him go after he saw jin sitting on a sofa with pout . He sigh and sat next to him "I am sorry baby . But I will make it up. This deal will help us alot financially. We can move out from this house to a better house. Please understand " jin turn to him and smile abit " why you are so good at words " namjoon chuckle and give jin a peck "always. " Ji whine and said "cuddle me" namjoon full fill his wish . Seeing his mom dad soobin also join them ...

"We are going to meet after a long time yoongs" jimin said on his video call with yoongi "yes minnie. I am really missing you. " Yoongi whine that made jimin chuckle "I miss you too . I have a surprise for you Mr min" yoongi get a blank face hearing that "Not a 3 foot tall sunflower or pink teddy bear please" hearing yoongi jimin made a fake hurt face "you said you loved them " yoongi replied "I dont want to hurt you sweetheart. " Jimin just smile and put his hand on his four month belly "Its really special yoongs. You gonna love it. " Yoongi rise his eyebrow "ok than. Come fast mrs . Min " . Hearing that jimin gets red "YOONGS" before can jimin can say anything "Come fast seoul .. bye " saying that yoongi cut the line before jimin can scold him.

"We gonna meet dada baby "

"Are going seoul tomorrow Taehyung -shi ?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who was packing his bag "yes , jungkook-shi . " Jungkook nods and helped Taehyung to arrange his things "Taehyung-shi , do ... Do you like someone? " Jungkook asked with lot of courage "yes , jungkook-shi. I love someone actually . But he is out of my league. " Taehyung while looking at jungkook who just nods.

After finishing . Jungkook was about to go his room but Taehyung stop him "Do you mind , if I asked you a dinner with me ?" Jungkook looked at him without a blink with a little open mouth. Taehyung again asked "Do you? " This time jungkook said "YES" . After saying yes this loud jungkook gets embarrassed , however "than get ready . We are leaving in 10 mins" Taehyung didn't let him felt that much embarrassed .

"Thats enough , you are not going and that's final" hobi said . "No , i am going . I cant miss my School trip to daegu , just for you ." Younghoon scream out . "You are not going . I dont want you to go " hobi yelled out " oh come on , is not like i am going there alone . There are more 50 students with me " yoonghoon said sarcastically . Hobi took a deep breath "You aren't going . THAT'S FINAL . GO TO YOUR ROOM " yoonghoon just stomped at went to his room and closed the door loudly ...

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