Painful curse

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Long time ago, there was a place  named
Jeon.  those people nature were ruthless .. they doesn't have heart . They hate love.  One day, about 100 people come started to live in a forest beside them. Those people called devil. But they weren't bad. That name was given because they had wings and they can do black magic.

One day, A man of jeon was passing though the forest suddenly he had a heart attack. Seeing that man a devil come to help him. But he couldn't save him. When that man dead that devil put him on ground but another man saw that assume he killed that man .

That's time the war started. Jeon kingdom people went to their king . That king went to talk with the king devil. They had talk. Even solved
That problem . But his people didn't wait for their king .. they started to kill devil's. Everything gets worse in a blink.

Devil's and jeon both wants a equal fight. That's why devil vowed that they won't use magic in war .

After 10 years of war. Both kings made a deal no one of his kingdom will go to his or either of other will come.

Everything was going good that's time king oldest son went to forest and fall in love with a devil prince. Both prince had a relationship for 10 years . They some how keep it secret. But in the end jeon prince blessed with a son . But his fate is cruel. That day their son born . Devil prince couldn't hold himself but fly to his lover and son . That made a whole mess. People comes to know that jeon prince had a some sort of friendship with devil prince .

They went capturer that devil prince and asked king to kill that devil prince by jeon prince in front of them.

After hearing that jeon prince didn't said anything.  He just grab his son went to  jail and gave that devil prince his son for the last and first time. Devil prince cries his heart out with his happy tears he kissed that infant like 20 times . Jeon and devil prince spent their last night with their son .

In the morning ,Jeon prince went to his brothers room and gave them his son and request them to take care of them.  Both them swear that they will do everything to save his son  .

Time flies , both prince's stand in fort of each other . People were surprised that no one come to save a prince. Who gonna tell them that prince beg to his father not to come and save him if he capturer . Cuz he doesn't want any of his people die.

Jeon prince didn't even blink just looked at his lover with a sword in his hand devil prince gave him a sweet smile.  Jeon prince just mumbled sorry and I love you.  Devil prince get a hint what gonna he will do so he shake his head as no. People were watching them they wanna see how jeon prince gonna kill that devil.

Sky turn into black suddenly .. winds get cold .. every body start to shiver. 

Jeon prince just gave him a smile and throw his sword in ground. Before anyone can say something he pulled out kanzen knives out on his neck and close his eyes and cut his neck.

Everything happens in a blink , king other prince people who ever saw that was shocked. Every one jumped up when they heard a roar from devil prince. He broke his every chain . Sky turn into a dark black and in his one blink 100 people turn into ash who just come to stop him. He fly to his lover hug him as tightly as he can in mere moments he said "I, devil prince curse to jeon people they will lose their every single thing they love as I did. This kingdom will be vanished .. and my and jeon prince son will be the king of Devil .  Every each of you who are present here will watch your lover die in fort of you as I did. Each of you feel this what I am feeling" people gasp . The devil prince Mumble something and die while hugging his lover .

Everyone one their knows they have to feel what both princes feel . Cuz if a devil  gave a curse it will happen especially royal devil .

5 years later ..

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