Stranger / Dark Night

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Here I wrote that story imagining tae and Jin as a boy.. But if u guys want you can imagine them as a girl..  This is your choice...

Taehyung pov:

"Hobi hyung where are you?? " "on the way.. It's gonna take 15 -20 mins" "come fast"..

I cut that call.. I am standing on deserted road.. It's  like 1 am..It my fault.. Issh stupid tae.. Who told you to wait with jimin.. When your home is way farther and There was other peoples.. And why the hell you denied when yoongi hyung wants you to gave a ride.. Ughhh stupid me.. "Beauty are you alone?? "

3rd person pov-

"Mark sent me a good porn"  mark nods and sent some porns on Jackson's phone.. "Dude look there is beauty.. Fuck I am hard " other's stop whatever they were doing and look at Tae.. "Control bambam. " "and why JB"  "thats a boy"
.. "Who cares..  I just want my dick inside of his body doesnt matter if it's have in ass or pussy".. Jackson and bambam hi 5..  "Let me call him than".. "Go ahead jack."

"Beauty are you alone" jackson called tae.  Who ignored him.. All of boys suddenly started to laugh and whistle at tae.. Tae was doing his best  not to show them he was scared but he knows that they knows he was scared.. No matter what he do...

Jackson was going where tae was standing.. Suddenly someone hold tae's hand who jumped..

(Guess who??)




Tae looked at the hand than he looked at the person.. A male was holding his hand with a smile... That smile somehow made tae little calm.. That man was wearing a white shirt, black pant.. He had a laptop bag on his shoulder..  "Baby there are you..? Let's go " tae nods.. And give that man a little smile.. Seeing tae with that man jackson step stop.. He cursed than walk back to his group..  Tae and that man didnt care about him.. They start to walk..

"You shouldnt stand there alone.. " Tae look up to the man and nods..  They were still holding hands.  But non of them was uncomfortable especially tae.. He felt like he need someone now for comfort..  "Did you called you parents,sibling,or any friend to pick you up" tae nods"yes my Brother is on the way" that man nods.  "My name is Jungkook" "I m taehyung " they both nods. 

Few mins later... They were still walking suddenly  a car stop and a sweaty guy come out and hug tae.. "My baby.  You are good right??" Tae give him a big smile "yes hobi hyung. Something would happend but .  Jungkook save me " Hobi looked at jungkook and bow "thank you.. "  "no no it's ok... "   hobi was in his driver seat andtae was about to get in the car but jungkook stop him "taehyung, can I have your number?? " Jungkook asked while blushing a little..  Tae turn into a ripe tomato.. Meanwhile hobi was having tea.  Tae and hobi left after tae gave his number to jungkook..

30 mins later.....

Jungkook enter in his apartment..  He kept his laptop bag on a couch.  One of the bed room door open "kook you back.. Today you come late.. Wanna eat something " Jungkook smile at his hyung "yeah.. I want something namjoon hyung.. " "well.. I can cook a little now but it gonna take time"..  Jungkook nods and went his room for a shower.. After shower jungkook wear his baggy clothes.. He come out  from his room.. Find namjoon cooking with lot of focus..  He went to the room namjoon came out.. He find a sleeping beauty there.. He sat on ground as the bed wasnt that high.. He hold the beauties hand and looked at him with a hope that beauty will woke now... His jin hyung will woke up Again

3 years ago....

"Dont worry joonie..I can go alone " jin was assuring namjoon who was feeling guilty that he had to leave jin in middle of road.. Namjoon and Jin were coming back from a late night show.. Namjoon's mom suddenly called him and told him to come  home as soon as possible.... So he had to go.."Are you sure jinnie??"Jin nods and gave namjoon a trumps up.. Namjoon sigh and kissed on jin's cheeks than left. 

Jin was standing in middle  road at late night.  There was no one..  He took a deep breath and start to walk.  Jin was almost reached at his home.. Like he just need 20-25 mins to reach..

Out of nowhere..  Few boys started to follow him.  He can feel that but he didnt stop.. Than 3 boys come in front of him he dont know from where.  But they was there.. Those boys whom were following him they also stand behind him.. All of them made a circle around him...

"*whistle* my my boys... Look what we have here"kai said that" hey beauty wanna ride.  First on me than my bike".. "Ok shut up chen.  He is all of us.  Right Princess " kris said that while almost touching Jin.  Jin was shivering out of fear. But his soul leave from his body when he heard a voice. 

(Guess whose voice 🤔🤔)





"This Princess look so sexy from behind I wonder how he looked from his front " that owner of voice Forcefully  turned jin.. Jin forget to breath.  He never could imagine that he had to face this type of Situation with his brother..  Jungkook was the owner of the voice.. Jin was just looking at Jungkook with teary eyes.. Jungkook was numb.  D.O about to touch Jin.. Jungkook pushed his hand way. "Why man do you like him that much that you dont even want me to touch him" D.O said that in a mockery tone.. "HE IS MY BROTHER. "

Everyone just look at jin and jungkook..  Jungkook try to touch jin but before he can jin ran away.. 
Jungkook also run but after a hour.  He was thinking what will he gonna say to Jin.. When jungkook reach at his and Jin's share apartment..he saw water on floor.. But kind of light red..   They were coming from bathroom.. He sigh and went to bathroom as thought Something colourful must fall on a tub and jin must forget to turn off the bathtub tap ... His blood went cold when he saw jin wa laying on a slowly turning red tub.. He quickly  call on 911.. He was even scared to touch him..  He was feeling if he touch and found jin how he gonna live than...

Time skip.....

"Kook..  Why he did that?" namjoon asked  as soon he found jungkook...but there was no answer.. Namjoon about to asked again but a docter come out.. "He is alive.. But in's seem like he had a biggest shock that made him you know suicidal.. " Namjoon was confused.  But he kind of relive that atleast jin is alive.. But there was someone who's guilt was eating him alive and very slowly and  painfully.. "Hyung i am going home.. You will stay here right?? " Namjoon nods and pats on jungkook shoulder.. 

Jungkook went to jin's room..  H e lay on his bed while clutching jin's pillow.. His eyes were close but still he can see Jin's smile.. Jin's angry face.. Cute face... Also his teary face..  Laying on that bathtub.. That made jungkook eyes wind open.. Jungkook eyes were unfocused..  He was a paper on jin's table.. He sat and with a trembling hand he pick that paper... 

Never dream that whom I am raising..  Will be the one  who ruin me.. 

That's it..Jungkook was numb.. He didnt cry..  He was too numb..

Months pass. Jungkook finally cried while telling Everything to Namjoon.. Namjoon was so angry at first.. Than he realized if he leave jungkook because of his past that will ruin his both present and future.. So he decided to stay with them...  Jungkook gave his 100% to change.. Namjoon was happy with decision. That he didnt leave alone Jungkook.. 


"Hyung I save someone today.  That guy who ruined your life.  Save someone's life today hyung.. Please wake up now.. " jungkook wipes his tears he about to leave when his notice jin move his finger.. Jungkook shout "NAMJOON HYUNG... JIN HYUNG MOVE.."


Sry if you guys didnt get the msg.. i hope that you guys liked it.. i am kinda in a mess rn..

Thanks for 3 k readers..I - i actually dont have proper words to thank you guys..

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