(Sword Masters Youngest Son.)-Luna Runcandle: Nightmare.

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A.N(Well I've finally done it I've been dying to start using characters from Manhwas and here is one, I am glad I gave gone with Luna, I will probably do another one with her at some point coz I feel there is more to do than just this little bit because I feel like this one really is a bit too short. No guarantees though also here's hoping the picture I put up won't get taken down for copyright if it does well sorry gents you are stuck with having to look up a picture of her yourself. Anyway hope you enjoy.)

My body woke up before my eyes opened, on instinct my hand rubbed the other side of my bed only to find smooth bedding, my eyes opened to see where a warm body should been. Only a pillow remained. I sat up and saw that he was standing by the window shirtless and in his sleeping pants, he leaned his forehead on his one arm gazing out into the courtyard of our mansion.

Luna: "Can't sleep?"

He hummed in response.

Luna: "Another Nightmare?"

Y/N: "Same one every other night."

I got out of bed then walked over to him, I wrapped my arms around his chest then buried my face in his shoulder.

Luna: "Want to talk about it?"

Y/N: "And have you think me weak? No, I don't want to lose you over such a reason."

Luna: "Why would you think that?"

Y/N: "You know how your family is, strength about all else, even family. Anything to get to the seat on the throne."

Luna: "Don't be silly, I know how to handle my family, besides you should know I have no interest in becoming the next head of the house. Tell me about the dream again. Talk to me."

Y/N: "I'm crawling through the mud, the mutilated bodies of my comrades all trying to grab me, pulling at me beckoning me to join them, their faces all contorted from pain and agony, grasping at my clothes blaming me for their deaths. 'You were our leader.' 'You let us down'' 'You should be here with us.' 'Why do you get to live while we die.' "

He hit the wall with his arm out of frustration.

Y/N: "They are right. It is my fault. I was their squad leader, I led them into that cave full of monsters, I should have known better, I should have prepared better, I sent them to their deaths while I alone survived."

I squeezed him tighter my one hand moved over to his heart.

Luna: "That is your own guilt that haunts you, not the ghosts of your comrades. I've told you before that you are one of the strongest people I know, which is one of the biggest reasons I fell for you. That was years ago and you've made it this far. Mentally and physically you have few to contend with, I know because you stand on equal footing with me when It comes to the sword. After all, I am the first flag bearer of House Runcandle."

I could sense a small smile coming from him as his loose hand overlapped mine that covered his heart.

Y/N: "My knight in shining armour come to rescue me once more."

Luna: "Of course, I will always protect you as you would for me."

Y/N: "I have to, I don't have a choice. Your youngest brother would kill me."

Luna: "Jin cares for you too, even though he wouldn't admit it it outright."

Y/N: "He puts up with me because you care for me and he cares for you."

Luna: "He respects you because you take such good care of me. He knows not to touch a hair on your head."

Y/N: "Ha."

He turns in my arms to face me, his E/C staring deep into mine.

Y/N: "What would I do without you?"

Luna: "Mmmm probably die."

He dropped his head with a scoff and smiled.

Y/N: "Very true."

As he brought his head back up he leaned in for a kiss which I happily returned. As his his lips were meeting mine a light caught my eye. The sun had just begun to slowly rise casting a ray into my room. I broke the kiss and indicated to him.

Luna: "Look..."

He turned to face the sunrise

Luna: "A new day a new beginning with a new light over the horizon. More hope is on the horizon. Now enough with this guilt talk. Time more out morning training, time to kick your ass again."

I pulled him along to get changed and ready for the day.

Y/N: "As you say, My Lady."

A.N (Hope you enjoyed the read, hope it wasn't too much like my first one-shot my Akame one, I don't know what do you think?)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16 ⏰

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