Aguamenti for that Incendio

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"I hate Herbology," Aurelia informed Lark Scamander, eyeing an odd looking fungi. The Hufflepuff beside her let out a small laugh, "I thought you liked plants."

"I have since decided I have an undying hatred towards this subject." Aurelia picked up a pot, pretending to shiver at the mere thought of being in such close proximity. "I'm sure not going to collect Mooncalf dung next full moon. I have other places to be than waste my life away collecting dung." Aurelia turned her head. "Should of asked James if I could borrow the invisibility cloak."

"The invisibility cloak?" This seemed to catch Lark's interest. "I've always wanted one of those."

"This isn't any ordinary invisibility cloak. After a deep amount of investigation into family background, I have evidence to believe that not only does it render the wearer invisible, it provides everlasting power. I believe it to be made by Death himself."

"You're joking, right?"

Aurelia's eyes betrayed a small amount of glimmer. "Only joking. It would be cool if what I said turned to be, in fact, correct. Hopefully we'll never lose it to Filch. Maybe I'll ask Sybill if she can make one of her wonky predictions and see."

"Alright," Sprout said, "for your assignment for next month you'll need to collect Mooncalf dung."

Aurelia let out a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry Moony. I know I promised you—"

"Don't worry about it." Remus gave her a warm smile. "I have chocolate for you, by the way. I thought maybe you were feeling a bit down." From his pocket Remus handed a large chocolate bar raveled in tinfoil. 

"Thank you, Remy."

"Don't call me that again."

"You two! There's something happening!" A small Slytherin student cried, his brown eyes full of worry. An older Slytherin student was right beside him, clutching his sides as he let out large laughs. Once he realized that Aurelia and Remus was looking at him accusingly, he gave another large laugh. "A group of boys practically exploded Filch with fireworks."

Remus turned to Aurelia accusingly. Aurelia raised her hands in innocence. "I in no way helped." She paused in thought. "You can say he went up with a bang."

"It's not the time," Remus said. "We should probably see what's happening—" Just at that moment a large explosion sounded, echoing through the corridor. The two exchanged one last glance before running towards the sound of the noise.

"I'm—just—going—to—inform—you," Aurelia said in between breaths, "that—if—this—was—serious—running—towards—the—fight—probably—wouldn't—be—the—best—idea."

"You're probably right," Remus agreed. "How bad can it be—"

"Maybe you could share some of your nose with Voldemort!"

Sirius Black had his wand pointed at Severus Snape, a furious look clearly visible across his face. He had been the one who said it. 

"You need aguamenti for that incendio," Aurelia said. "That was a sick burn."

"Not the time, Aury."

"Don't be such a sour wolf."


Sirius quickly moved out of the way before Snape's spell could hit him, however the small Slytherin was targeted instead. Sirius gasped. "How could you hurt such a small innocent child from your own House! I knew your heart was black, but I didn't think you had it in you."

"I'm not the one with a serious black heart," Snape said. "You tried to obliviate me."

"To be fair you are an insult to your own memory." It was Peter who said this. James was beside him, but he had stayed quiet through it all. 

"Roses are red, cacti are prictly, god damn, this escalated quickly," Aurelia jovially remarked. "I just wanted to see Filch and a hell lot of fireworks, but this works too I guess."

"Filch took James' cloak!" Sirius yelled.

Everyone turned to James, but he shrugged. "Bummer."

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