Flaxen and Lily-Flower

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Christmas was fast approaching, leaving many students hassling to give friends who were staying at the castle last farewells. Aurelia was among them. 

Many of the prefects were already decorating the castle — even Professor Flitwick, who was using his wand to put tinsel on the many Christmas trees that Hogwarts was now decored with. 

The outside of Hogwarts was covered in several feet of snow, and the Black Lake was now frozen over. Students of all years were outside, having snowball fights and building snowmen. 

This wasn't Aurelia's first time leaving Hogwarts for Christmas. In fact, the only time she ever did stay was during her first year, before her mother had passed away. 

Now standing outside the Hogwarts Express, Aurelia wrapped her arms around herself, trying to fight the penetrating cold. 

"You sure you don't want to come over to my house, instead?" 

Aurelia recognized the all-too-familar voice of James. He was standing next to Sirius, the latter of the two having a permanent scowl. The past few days before Christmas break, he, along with many of the Slytherins, were the only ones that didn't have seem to be having such a joyful mood.

"I'll be fine," he said, sounding anything but fine. 

"Are you—" 

James thoughts were interrupted once he spotted Aurelia, who happened to be standing next to Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon. 

"Flaxen! Lily-Flower!"

Aurelia turned her head from where she was searching for Remus and Peter, and glowered once she saw James. She and Lily made their way over to the two, waving their hands towards Marlene as a sign of 'see you later.'

"The answer is no, James," said Lily, giving an annoyed look towards him.

"Tough luck," Sirius snickered. "And Flaxen, really? What happened to Quill?"

James shrugged. "It suits her—"

"No it doesn't!"

"Anyways," James continued, his voice lowering a few octaves, "the map is complete."

Lily sent a confused look. "Do I even want to know what you guys are entailing?"

"Definitely not," said Aurelia, sharing a mischievous smile towards the two Gryffindor boys. 

Remus and Peter soon caught up with them, the former looking quite pale and giddy.

Are you okay, Remus?" Lily asked, looking incredibly concerned for the teenage werewolf.

"Fine," said Remus. "Just that time of the month."

Lily looked incredibly confused. "You mean to say you have your period?"

"What's a period?" asked James, his interest somehow peaked.

Sirius facepalmed himself whilst Remus turned beet red.

"Sometimes I wonder why my best friends are boys," said Aurelia. "People like James are so unobservant when it comes to females — despite having lived with one for his whole life — and constantly chasing after one."

"Sometimes I wonder why you're friends with boys too," said Lily. 

Sirius gaped. "You're friends with Snivellus!"

"That's besides the point," continued Lily. "The point is that people like them are incredibly annoying and not worth hanging around with. Honestly, I thought you were more sensible than to be spending time with riff-raff like the Blacks and Potters."

"You're inner Lucius Malfoy is showing. Besides, if I can't spend time with the Potters, that means I won't be able to spend time with you!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Remus smiled ever so slightly, having caught on to what Aurelia was getting at. "It means, in the near future, when you become a Potter, Quill will never be able to be friends or spend time with you ever again."

It was Lily's turn to turn beet red, whilst everyone else laughed not so subtlety, and Peter, ever so clumsy, stumbled upon the balls of his feet. James looked particularly happy at where the conversation was leaden to.

"That's not going to," started Lily, "oh, shut up! Not in a million years am I going to marry a toerag like you, Potter!"

Aurelia shot Lily an amused smile. "Keep telling yourself that, you're manifesting it at this point." 

Lily's face resembled that of pure betrayal. "Sirius and James. Okay. But you, Remus, and Peter?" Everyone began laughing other than Lily, who's face was turning almost as red as her hair.  "Why are you laughing? It's not funny!"

Aurelia sobered up. "Wormtail would probably be the most likely candidate to betray your trust," said Aurelia in a faraway tone. "He may look kind and sweet, but he does have an evil side to him as well."

Peter seemed mildly hurt. 

"Only kidding," Aurelia then proceeded to comically pause. "Or am I?"

"The train is about to leave," said Sirius, thinking nothing of what Aurelia had just said. "We should probably board."

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