The Beloved Burrito

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"I'm going blind!" Aurelia yelled, trying her best to cover her eyes from the blinding light coming from the Hospital Wing's large windows. "The light! It's burning my eyes!"

Madam Pomfrey quickly closed the curtains, before she gave Aurelia a stern look. "Be quiet. There are a few other students here as well." Sure enough, the small Slytherin from earlier was passed out on the bed opposite hers.

"What happened?" Aurelia questioned.

"He face planted from falling off a broom," Madam Pomfrey said exasperatedly. "Did that a few hours ago. You were in here for a little over three days." 

"What?!" Aurelia immediately jumped out of bed. "I have to go!"

"Why?" Madam Pomfrey asked, looking at her like she was insane (which to be fair was probably not far from the truth).  "There are no classes."

Aurelia made a noise of impatience, "Because I was planning on eating this really good burrito." She could feel a small wetness on her cheek. She was literally crying, over a burrito. "But now it's probably all gross and I am just so incredibly hungry. Words can't describe to you how much I fucking love burritos and now I feel as if my life has gone to waste and I am just so deeply upset."

Madam Pomfrey remained rooted to the ground, staring at her in bewilderment. "You're crying over— over what exactly?"

"A burrito." Aurelia wiped the tears from her blood shot eyes. She didn't care if she was being dramatic; her mouth was watering and she could hear her stomach grumbling. 

Not having eating the burrito seemed like a betrayal of some sort. Before whatever incident led her to wake up at the Hospital Wing, Aurelia had made a promise to her burrito. She had been mumbling words of comfort, and how much it was loved and how deeply Aurelia admired it. She had caressed the burrito in her hands, dancing with it in some sort of waltz then carrying it bridal style afterwards. She had tucked it in, turning off the light with a small flick of her wand and had giving it one final kiss goodbye before she climbed in her own bed. "I promise no harm will come to you and you'll find a nice home in the deep depths of my stomach."

But now Aurelia was looking at Madam Pomfrey in horror. "I— I promised! I'm such a terrible mother!"

"Do mothers typically eat their children?" Pomfrey questioned. Aurelia nodded her head, "I don't see why they shouldn't. They probably have a lot of nutrients."

Madam Pomfrey silently agreed, but didn't dare say it out loud. The doors opened, and Aurelia did her best to not run away. It wasn't like she could, considering the tall frame of Albus Dumbledore was blocking the entrance. He had been the one who opened the door.

Aurelia's face contorted to disappointment. "I thought my burrito had been the one who magically opened the door."

Dumbledore shared a confused glance with Madam Pomfrey. "Burrito?"

"OH!" Aurelia exclaimed suddenly. "I have a way it can magically appear! ACCIO!"

All three of them waited for a few seconds with bated breath, and Aurelia was about to just give up, when a half-eaten burrito came flying through the door and landed at Aurelia's feet. She stared at it in dismay as she observed the large bite mark and shivered in disgust. "What the actual fuck."

"Language, Ms. Livierre," Dumbledore reprimanded in a light tone. Aurelia paid no mind, "Either someone ate my burrito or this is someone else's and I just stole their food." She let out a small, disappointed sigh.

Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey were going through the same thought process — this girl is incredibly strange; even in comparison to Dumbledore. This really did say a lot about a person.

But Aurelia didn't think she was that strange. Her reason for being upset was perfectly reasonable — who wouldn't feel distressed about losing their most beloved possession? It was truly an upsetting sight to see.

"Why are you even here?" Aurelia asked, eyes glossing over. "Can't you see I'm mourning the death of my daughter?"

Dumbledore would have offered some nice words of wisdom at that moment, but what could he possibly say? At least it wasn't her who was dead? Not particularly an uplifting thing to say. By the looks of it she seemed to have forgotten why she was even here in the first place. So instead Dumbledore mustered a smile, "Now now, we could always have the House Elves get another one for you."

But this did the opposite effect than what he was hoping for. Aurelia let out a strangled cry, like what he had said had hit her deep within her heart. "I could never— never replace my daughter! How— how dare you insinuate—"

"It was merely a suggestion," Dumbledore hurriedly clarified as Pomfrey tended to the Slytherin in the back. "We can have a proper funeral if you wish in the near future. I would be delighted to attend."

"The only funeral I will be attending will be the one for you."

Dumbledore paused. "What?"

Aurelia smiled. "Yes?"

Alarmed, Dumbledore was about to ask what she had said when he was interrupted by another voice. 


A/N: I want to thank all of you for voting and getting me to 200k reads! I started this story off as a hobby so I'm pleasantly surprised on how far it's come.

However, I want to address a few things. I am fourteen, so I'm perfectly aware that my writing is by no means amazing. I've seen a few comments saying, "this really isn't good" and I've shrugged it off. I want to talk about it though. When people comment these types of things it makes me — as a writer — feel a lot more insecure in my writing and makes me upset for the remainder of the day or week. So please don't comment on my story insulting my writing and whatnot. 

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