Death Eater Academy and Pigfarts

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"I really wanted to use that," Aurelia sighed. Everyone that wasn't a part of the Marauders was looking at her inquisitively. Not particularly fond of having so many eyes on her, she casually flipped off all of them except for the young Slytherin that had just gotten up from being hexed. The older Slytherin had his arm wrapped around the younger to support him. He did not look too pleased at Snape.

Severus Snape lay on the ground, still panting. "Don't be such a weakling," Aurelia said. "You're being a bit dramatic."

"Bold of you to say when your friend here is the most insolent, obnoxious, and dramatic person that I've ever had the unfortune to encounter."

"Tell me something I don't already know."

Sirius let out a gasp. "How dare you not defend me against this evil little tyrant. He is by far the most—"

Just at that moment Snape hit Sirius with a horn tongue hex. At first it wasn't noticeable. Sirius was quiet for a few seconds, until suddenly his tongue turned into a large horn. "Don't tell me you did this just so you could get extra ingredients in Potions," the small Slytherin worriedly said, although he was watching in fascination at what was being done. Sirius, unable to speak, resorted to frantically moving his arms around. James, Peter, and Remus was by his side in seconds, but Aurelia had her wand pointed at Snape, half wondering why there weren't any teachers around yet, half wondering what she would do to Snape to wipe his disgusting smile off his greasy face.

"Sirius is right, you really should share some of your nose with Voldemort. I'm certain there's enough." She didn't notice how the two Slytherins beside her flinched, nor did she realize Marlene and Regulus having noticed what was happening just then. 

"Don't you utter his name so freely," Snape hissed. 

"Why? Are you transferring to Death Eater Academy with Headmaster Voldemort?" Aurelia asked innocently. There was the sound of a few snickers at what she said, even by the Slytherins. "Maybe if you're lucky you can get one of those cool tattoos that they have. I believe they'll look particularly well on you, considering you're all emo and all."

"What is—" Snape seemed to stop mid sentence, not wanting to question the girl's strange comments. 

"Maybe if you're lucky you can even go to Pigfarts!" This was Marlene, who had just suddenly stood beside Aurelia. She too had her wand pointed at Snape, but seemed as if she couldn't resist saying something either.

"Aurelia, I don't think—"

"Oh shut up. Go marry your cousin or something, since that's the only thing you're good at." Regulus looked shocked at what she said, but frankly she didn't regret saying it. It was true, was it not?

The bell for the next class all of a sudden started to have an aneurysm, but everyone stayed rooted in place, watching the interaction with hungry eyes. Although he would not admit it in front of Lily's friend, James felt quite proud. 

"What the hell is Pigfarts?" Snape asked lowly, his curiosity taking the best of him. It was an odd name for a school, but so was Hogwarts, and if there was a good academic opportunity there he might as well take it.

"A school like this, but better, and with a hidden swimming pool!" Marlene said excitedly. "It has been my life goal to go there. It's not heard of by many people because only the best of the best get to attend."

"I doubt you would be able to make it there then," Snape laughed. "Me, on the other hand..." 

Just at that moment Sirius hit Snape with a spell, making the latter of the two's head to inflate to an abnormal size. "Finally your head fits your ego," Sirius commented happily, although it was growing more and more by the minute. Remus turned pale, as did Aurelia. Both of them stared at him for a long second, "That hex is illegal."

"Now you're really going to go to Azkaban," Aurelia said. "I predicted it, of course, but..."

"Bad dog, no biscuit," James said. "Go fix him now."

"I can do it easily," the older Slytherin said boredly, taking out his wand and muttering a few words. Suddenly Snape's head started to deflate like a balloon. "What an airhead," Regulus noted quietly. Aurelia ignored him.

Snape's face was beet red in humiliation. He seemed to be having a debate with himself, making sure there was still no teacher walking the halls, before he said, "SECTUMSEMPRA!"

The curse was meant to hit Sirius, but in no time at all Aurelia, James, and Remus tried to get right in front of him to protect him from whatever the curse was. Not a very smart idea, Aurelia admitted, but if it was between Sirius, James, Remus and her she'd pick herself any day. Marlene and Regulus was still rooted to where they had been standing, confused at what was happening and even more confused when the curse hit Aurelia in the chest. 

Almost in slow motion, Aurelia crumpled to the ground. A sudden green flash of Lily Evans seemed to go right before her eyes as it happened. Lily? Why would Lily be here? Was it a figment of her imagination? Was it something to do with the past... the future? Would Lily die the same way? Because I'm in quite a hell lot of pain at the moment.

But just like that it stopped. She no longer felt the indescribable feeling of pain that she had just experienced. All of the scars healed, all of the blood disappeared, until suddenly the feeling of knives began stabbing her skin all over again, then went through the same healing process, before it began stabbing her all over again. Not fun in the least.

Why on Voldemort's left nipple did fucking Snape hit me with an unknown curse?  What in Merlin is wrong with that greasy pelican nose? Aurelia thought, not noticing the loud pairs of footsteps surrounding her. 

"What is happening here?" Professor McGonagall asked, followed closely by Slughorn and Dumbledore. 

No one answered, eyes glued to Aurelia's crumpled body as they witnessed it heal and heal over and over again. 

"Do I need to ask again?"

"No, we ignored you perfectly the first time." 

"Detention James Potter!"

Those were the last words Aurelia heard before she passed out. 


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