Halloween Spirit

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Aurelia woke up in the Ravenclaw dormitory from a loud ringing in her ears. She got up groggily, only to see that James was on top of her, shaking her awake.

"What the hell Prongs?!" Aurelia exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"It's Halloween, you twerp," he replied. "NOW GET OUT OF BED BEFORE I DRAG YOU MYSELF!"

She hastily jumped out and pulled on a burgundy sweater before running down the halls. Halloween was a Hogsmeade day this year — and she promised that she would go with the rest of the Marauders. 

"Took you long enough," Sirius said, before looking at her mess of curls laying on top of her head. "Maybe you should have taken a little longer..."

"NO!" James responded. "It doesn't matter how repulsive her hair looks today, we're leaving now."

"Why are you so mean to her?" Peter asked. "I mean it is messy, but..."

Remus snickered. "Messy is an understatement."

"Like you're one to talk," Aurelia grumbled as they made their way to the Great Hall. She sat at the Gryffindor table, buttering a piece of toast before popping the whole thing in her mouth. Everyone was too used to this behavior to even care at this point, even Professor McGonagall — who would usually have reprimanded her for being at the wrong table.

"Why do bees have sticky hair?" questioned James all of a sudden.

"They don't have hair," Aurelia said, buttering a second piece.

"Because they always use honeycombs!"

"You're so embarrassing," Remus said. "No wonder Lily doesn't like you."

"You know full well that's not true, remember what we heard after the quidditch match?"

"What did you hear?" Aurelia inquired curiously.

"That Lily has liked me all along," replied James, "and that Marlene—"

"Be quiet!" Remus shouted. 

Marlene looked from where she was sitting with Lily and Alice — raising her eyebrows questioningly at them before she went back to her conversation with Lily. 

"That was a close call," Sirius said.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," Remus answered.

"Hush, Moony."

An hour later they were seated at the Three Broomsticks, each drinking a bottle of Pumpkin Fizz at a large, round table. Some other students were there as well; such as Dorcas Meadowes, who was there with Mary Macdonald and Emmeline Vance.

"If animals could talk, which would be the most annoying?" Peter asked, drinking his fourth Pumpkin Fizz contently.

"Dogs," Remus immediately responded.

Sirius scoffed. "And why dogs?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Personally I think rats would be the most annoying, sorry Peter," James said.

"It's fine, it's not like I'm a huge fan of stags."

"Oh deer," Aurelia mumbled.

"There's a reason you're blind," continued Peter. "You are lacking hind-sight."

"If he had good eyesight you know what we'd call him? A good-eyed deer!"

"Peter's was alright, but that Quill... that was horrible," James replied. "Please refrain from speaking to me ever again."

"I have another one," Peter said excitedly. "What is a deer's favorite type of cheese?"


"A fawn-do!"

All four of them stared at him, then collectively groaned. "Peter, you're also refrained from speaking to me ever again."

"Ever again?" asked Peter.

"Until I'm old and grey," amended James.

"Are you sure you'll live 'till then?"

Everyone directed their attention back to Peter, their mouth agape. "What?"

Peter shrugged. "It was just a question. Maybe none of us will live until we're old and grey. There's no way of knowing for sure."

"I doubt anyone of us will die anytime soon," Sirius said defensively. "No one will be able to kill us if we stick together."

"That's the spirit!" Remus exclaimed sarcastically. "Now can we go?"

"Sure," said Sirius, wrapping an arm around him as they headed out. 

James looked at all of the Halloween decorations, smiling softly. "I love Halloween."

"You do?" Aurelia asked. She thought Halloween was all right, but there was always something off about it that she didn't quite like.

"Yeah," said James. "I would like it even more if I was spending it with Lily though." His hazel eyes traveled to a familiar redhead who happened to turn at that exact moment. Her own green eyes narrowed at him for a bit, then seeing Aurelia right beside him they softened. Lily sent her a small wave before cheerfully going back to her banter with Marlene.

"I'm sure that you'll spend Halloween with Lily someday," Aurelia said. "It's only a matter of time."

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